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求一篇名字为My hobby我的爱好是收集邮票的英语作文10句话!!!!

2020-09-29 06:05:01

My name is weichupeng. I am14 years old. I have been collecting stamps for 8 years . Now I have more than 100 stamps . The first series of stamps was given by my father, which inclundinganimals, plants, and figures . I do like them . Some stamps were given by my friends. They know i like collecting stamps. I can still remeber my best friend Mary, who gave me some beautiful stamps which were taken from aboard by her father. I was really happy. But my mother does not want me to spend most of time collecting instead of studying. So she took some steps. She put smy stamps into the drawer and locked them. I had to study hard and got good grades in the final exam. She finally supported my hobby. I cotinue to hobby. And i hope that i will be able to own another 500 stamps in the future.



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