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100分拿出来了 帮忙写篇高中英语作文 内容是关于中学生规范书写的.全部分拿出来了帮

2020-09-29 06:10:01

How to improve your handwriting . It is important that you write with your arm and shoulder instead of your wrist. If you learn to write with the muscles in your arm, your strokes will flow much better and be more uniform.Before trying to learn specific letter forms or shapes, practice writing from your arm and shoulder in the air or on a white board, try not to move your fingers or wrist, write big sweeping across movements, get comfortable with lines and shapes before you attempt letters, this will make your strokes much cleaner and smoother.Look at other peoples handwriting for ideas. Older people often had distinctive, even elegant handwriting. They lived in an age when every message and letter was handwritten, and it shows in their skills.Practice writing the letters until you are very comfortable with creating the shapes involved with them. Use cursive writing, either practicing with words and making sentences, working with your autograph, or simply stringing together random letters.Find your own style.Write everything longhand that you think of, avoiding typing, writing on a PC, or other short cuts. Use every excuse to use your time for writing, whether making lists, notes, or letters, or simply doing creative writing exercises. This improves your control, and develops your muscles and eye hand coordination.Experiment with different writing instruments, like wide tip pens, markers, colored pencils, and even calligraphy pens.

100分拿出来了 帮忙写篇高中英语作文 内容是关于中学生规范书写的.全部分拿出来了帮忙写篇高中英语作文 内容是关于中学生规范书写的.全部分拿出来了 120词左右!

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  3. 2020-02-01 09:36得罪[内蒙古网友]IP:1877698089


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