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2020-09-29 06:15:01

七种类型说明文的写作构思 一、 原因(理由)分析说明文(三段式) Introduction including the Thesis Cause 1 Body Cause 2 Effect Cause 3 Conclusion 万能原因 方便、安全、成就、效率、环保、交流、利他、情感、性格、经验、乐趣、耐久、经济、健康、社会、公平 原因的分类: 内部原因←→外部原因 主观原因←→客观原因 主要原因←→次要原因 二、结果分析说明文(三段式) ( Single cause, Multiple effects) Introduction including the Thesis Effect 1 Cause Effect 2 Body Effect 3 Conclusion 三、比较对比说明文 作文标题举例: ■ The New Year’s Sacrifice 《祝福》 the Novel and the Film ■ High School Life and College Life ■ Individualism and Collectivism 个人主义和集体主义 ◆ 整体与整体的对比 正文(第二段)结构: A. Traveling by bus ① speed; ② expense; ③ safety B. Traveling by train ① speed; ② expense; ③ safety C. Traveling by plane ① speed; ② expense; ③ safety 四、类比说明文 A Special Kind of Comparison ■ Life and Journey ■ Eating and Reading ■ The Camera and the Eye 五、分解分类说明文 ① 选取有意义的划分标准(meaningful principle) ② 标准一致,避免交叉(overlapping) ③ 每一分类都要冠名和界定 ④ 避免“是非二分法”,避免划分类别过多。 ⑤ 分解分类说明文中心句举例: ■ Consumer goods may be divided into stable goods,日用品 convenience goods, and emergency goods. ■ Each year, people in the United States look forward to various holidays to commemorate a patriotic, political, or religious event of the past. ⑥ 作文标题举例: ■ Various Kinds of Lectures ■ Different Intentions Attending Sports ■ Different English Learners 六、过程分析说明文 ① 过程分析类型: 指导型 directional type; 信息型 informative type ※ 学会划分步骤 ② 作文标题举例: ■ How to Complain 投诉 ■ The Steps to Lose Weight ■ How to Prepare for a Job Interview 七、举例分析说明文 作文标题举例: ■ School failed Successful People ■ Interesting College Life ■ People should sometimes do things they do not enjoy doing * *



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