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2020-09-29 06:35:01

五至六句80 90词:1. 五至六句80 90词:1. Topic sentence:主题句,1句该句说明图画的象征意义主题句,1句该句说明图画的象征意义symbolic meanings,即阐释图画的深层寓意。此句为,即阐释图画的深层寓意。此句为 文章的中心思想,也是,也是 第二段的主题句,承上启下。2. ,承上启下。2. Arguments: :论证,3 4句常用手段:因果论证;对比论证;例证;利弊分析等3.论证,3 4句常用手段:因果论证;对比论证;例证;利弊分析等3.Summary: :小结,1句对论证的句子进行总结,与本段主题句首尾呼应。小结,1句对论证的句子进行总结,与本段主题句首尾呼应。2一、Body: 主体/ 意义阐释段/ 拓展段Topic sentence 主题句 中心句)的写法1. (2011) ) 图画所隐含的意思能够 用公共行为和环境保护来阐述。The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of public manners and environmental protection.2. (2010) ) 在图画背后或“隐藏”在火锅里的含义显而易见:为了构建中国文化以及未来,具有中外特色的物质不可或缺。What lies behind the picture, or “buried” in the hot pot, is clear: for the construction of the Chinese culture and the future, materials of both Chinese and foreign features are indispensable.3. 2009 这幅发人深省的图画所传达的观点很明显 :除了它的优点外,网络也不可避免地有它自身的弊端。The idea conveyed by the thought provoking drawing is apparent: Internet inevitably has its disadvantages as well, with the exception of its good use.4.2008 卡通画作者显然是为了提醒我们 合作在日常生活中的重要性。It is apparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of cooperation in our daily life.5. 2006 这幅图微妙地反映了 偶像崇拜在当今青少年中非常盛行这一社会现象。The pictures have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the teenagers nowadays.6. The purpose of the drawer is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline of ocean resources7 . Undoubtedly, the drawing has symbolically revealed a serious problem in our daily life: …8. The cartoon is a wake up call to bring the importance of confidence to our mind.Argument 论证部分的写法1. 因果分析论证;2. 举例论证;3. 利弊分析等主要手段利弊分析等主要手段?? 思路A 谈背景B 摆事实C 驳观点(欲扬先抑)D 讲原因E 论后果(利弊)A 谈背景B 摆事实C 驳观点(欲扬先抑)D 讲原因E 论后果(利弊)1)五至六句80 90词:第一句说明寓意承上启下后;第二句说明原因 如下;第三四句一个原因及扩展;第五六句一个原因及扩展。具体化——切忌以理说理。2)常见原因——法律法规不完善、教育体制不健全、个人意识较薄弱选一,原创一2017/11/25 Writing 71. 原因分析常见原因?? The lack of serious punishment according to the laws and regulations is the core reason of …, which provides the chances for people to do the misdeeds/wrongdoings.?? People’s awareness is not that strong in …, which is decisive to the phenomenon.?? The distorted/insufficient/inadequate education may lead to the pervasiveness of …2017/11/25 Writing 8(1)举例论证For example, for instance, take … for example, … provides an illustration.(2) 数据论证As is shown in the statistics of a recent survey launched by a non profit institution, the increase/decline of … is so prominent that the results caused by it may be concluded as follows.原因扩展方式原因分析常用过渡句:?? The following reasons may be responsible for the meaning deduced above.?? There are two main reasons accounting for the symbolic meaning.?? The main reason for the phenomenon is that…. Another major reason is that…?? Several factors, both individual and social, could account for the negative phenomenon.?? The reason for the phenomenon may be complicated, but we can, to a large extent, ascribe it to the following interrelated factors.10?? 很明显,有很多复杂的原因导致这个现象的发生,而下面的是最有代表性的。很明显,有很多复杂的原因导致这个现象的发生,而下面的是最有代表性的。?? Obviously, a variety of complicated factors contribute to the phenomenon, with the following one being the foremost.?? 除了下面的原因,没有更好的了。?? I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two.?? 为这样一个复杂的现象给出原因不是一个简单的事情。为这样一个复杂的现象给出原因不是一个简单的事情。?? It is no simple job to induce reasons for this complicated phenomenon.2.两个层次加以说明 :a.社会需要 在当今社会,想要实现抱负就必须依赖于团结互助b. 个人需要 个人成功与否也依赖于是否愿意团结互助团结互助的重要性a.社会需要 在当今社会,想要实现抱负就必须依赖于团结互助b. 个人需要 个人成功与否也依赖于是否愿意团结互助团结互助的重要性1.图画寓意2008 真题—describe/interpret/comment( 阐释寓意)Undoubtedly, the cartoon arouses our deep concern over the issue of mutual support. The message conveyed in it, I suppose, is twofold. ( 两方面原因)In the first place, in contemporary world, if one wants to achieve something or intends to fulfill one of his ambitions, he has to work hard, make efforts and get prepared on the basis of his team. Secondly, the difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not mainly lies in the fact whether or not he could cooperates successfully with others. (2008年)?? ( 阐释寓意) It is blind worship that makes it possible to do such crazy/unreasonable things as the photos display. (原因) The main reason, I assume, would be the distorted education of the popular culture leading to the pervasiveness of the star worshipping. (数据论证)As is shown in the statistics of a recent surveylaunched by a non profit institution, the increase of teenagers’ eagerness to respect someone is so prominent that the result caused by it may be concluded as follows. desire/aspirations of respecting2006 真题 describe/interpret/view( 结果)It may mislead adolescents to dream about an immediate success/triumph rather than to dedicate to their study. And it is of little surprise to find their disappointment at last. 2017/11/25 Writing 161)五至六句80 90词:第一句说明寓意承上启下后;第二句说明如下事例可以证明;第三四句一个事例及扩展;第五六句另一个扩展。2)注意事项——切忌例子私人化。3)扩展方式——数据论证、借用常识、引用权威、因果论证、比较论证2017/11/25 Writing 172. 举例论证??Abundant of examples would demonstrate the phenomenon, while the following one, I suppose, would suffice.?? Here is an example.?? Take … for an example/instance.?? …is a good case in point??…短语/that主语从句 provides us with an excellent example.Eg. Teenagers surfing on line provides us with an excellent example.18举例论证常用过渡句 :2008真题1. 阐释图画寓意:团结互助的重要性2. 例证分析:姚明、嫦娥1号(月球探测器)3. 反面论证:不合作则会受思维和资源的限制4. 综合归纳:须发扬团结互助精神 寓意分析Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to remind us of the importance of cooperation in our daily life. 例证1 Take basketball hero Yao Ming for an example, he can slam the dunk smartly because all his teammates contribute more or less to his outstanding performance. 例证2 Likewise, the successful launching of Chang’e No.1 lunar probe should be attributed to the Chinese scientists’ joint effortsinstead of individual accomplishment. 反面论证 If we work separately, we will be confined to frail minds and limited resources. 082006 真题—describe/interpret/exampleNumerous examples could be cited to support my claim. For instance, Thomas Edison—diligent, world famous and doing very well in his early life continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life, “Genius consists of 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Such is the remark made by him. It is true indeed. Thomas Edison’s case proves that keeping making progress is the right attitude towards life and work for everyone who longs for success.?? 2002,2009,2010?? 积极中带有消极,消极中暗含积极1)五至六句80 90词:第一句说明寓意承上启下后;第二句说明有利有弊;积极中带有消极,消极中暗含积极1)五至六句80 90词:第一句说明寓意承上启下后;第二句说明有利有弊;on one hand, 第三四句一个优点及扩展;, 第三四句一个优点及扩展;on the other hand, 第五六句一个缺点及扩展。2 扩展方式 举例/数据/权威/常识/结果五种论证, 第五六句一个缺点及扩展。2 扩展方式 举例/数据/权威/常识/结果五种论证2017/11/25 Writing 222. 利弊论证2009网络的“近”与“远”?? 寓意分析 From the cartoon, we can conclude that the cartoonist wants to convey such a message: with the popularity of computers, people from all over the world become nearer by using the internet to communicate with each other.1 Meanwhile, people also become far away from their friends. 2 ()All of us acceptthe fact that the development of the internet brings lots of conveniences to our daily life, ( 举例 )for instance, we can buy a book on the net instead of going to a bookstore.套话一句引出“利”?? Besides, we can communicate with our friends on the net without going out of home.3 ( 弊 )But we can‘t ignore the other side of these: the time we spend with friends or family becomes less. And we hardly see them once in a week. ( 结果 )It will make us feel lonely if we continue to use the tool on the net to talk with friends instead of talking with them on the phone or going out with them.4158words2017/11/25 Writing 25好:influence 4① bring about an far reaching influence / impact on② lay a solid foundation for③ play an irreplaceable(不可替代的、独一无二的不可替代的、独一无二的 ) role in④serve as a catalyst(催化剂) for (促进)表示后果/影响坏:consequence 6① undermine(vt)削弱、逐渐破坏② adversely(不利地) affect③ sound an alarm(警告) to something④ put an enormous pressure upon⑤ bring about an adverse / unfavorable consequence on ⑥ pose a potential and probable threat to / on对…构 成潜在威胁。



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