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2020-09-29 12:30:04

我改一下: Dear Mom,Thank you for bringing me to this world!During the 20 years,you have done a lot for me,but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you!Now, Mothers Day is on the way,I wish to express my thanks to you.First of all ,thank you for giving me my life!If You have not had me, I wont be able to see the beautiful world! You let me know how precious life is!You give the chance for me to know the people who love me and loved by me! Thank you, Mom!You are the best person in the world!I want to say,I love you!Secondly,thank you for bringing me up!With your great care,I grow healthly and strong!When I was ill,you always took time off from work to look after me!How worried you were!I know,thats your love for me!But when you were ill,I find that I never looked after you!When I think about this,I feel very ashamed!Sorry,mom,I should take care of you like a son shoule be doing!Besides,mum,do you know that you are such a terrific cook!I enjoy the years of eating your good cooking,the equal of which I had not found ever. Mom,I want to say,I love you!Lastly,thank you for teaching me how to be a human!I learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and considerate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,mom!I love you!Love from,Son 最后一句:请看看我改了那些....因为我现在住在美国,所以如果我英文不会,可以问我哦~ 觉不骗你哦 Duh~ Thank you for looking at my reply for your question



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