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2020-09-29 13:05:04

This medicine is used for curing cough , headache ,and something like that caused by cold . Take one or two pillseach time , and three times a day before meals . Sometimes youmight feel like sleeping after you take it . But it doesn’t matter. Don’t have fish , wine or hot food these days while you’re takingthis medicine . And you’ll be fine in three or five days .

By the way , I think you’d better take good careof yourself and keep healthy . For example , put on more clotheswhen you go outside on a cold day ; keep the air in your room clean; have more water , fruit and vegetables . And the most importantof all , do more sports every day to be stronger .

I wish you’ll be all right soon .Mr.Hu

十二、阅读理解电视广告词“If we don’t save water , the last dropof water will be a tear drop.”根据提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。(汕尾市华侨管理区中学 胡桂雄)



3、水污染严重; 4、应该保护水源,再利用水。

参考词汇:the amount of water suitable to drink , pour…into , pollute

Water is very important to humans . We can’tlive without water . The amount of water suitable to drink isfalling . But some people don’t seem to care about this . Theywaste a lot of water They pour dirty water into rivers and pollutethem . They throw rubbish into them , too . Many rivers and lakesare seriously polluted . We must do something to stop the pollution. We must protect the water as well as find ways to reuse it . Ifwe don’t , the last drop of water will be a tear drop.Mr.Hu



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