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2020-10-12 11:10:01

Our School我们的学校This is our school.At the school gate, you can see the main road in front of you.Coming into the gate, you can see the tall teaching building in the middle of the school.On the two sides of the main road are two fiowerbeds.The library is on the left and the office building is on the right.Behind the teaching building is the playground. The computer room is next to it.这是我们的学校。在学校大门口,你可以看到主路。进了大门,你可以看到学校中央高大的教学楼。主路两边是两个花圃。图书馆在左边,办公楼在右边。教学楼后是操场,计算机房挨着它。Our school is beautiful and I love it.我们的学校很美,我爱它。This is our school.There is a tall teaching building in the middle of the school.On either side of the main road is a flowerbed.The library is on the left and the office building is on the right.The playground is behind the teaching building.On the left of the playground is the computer room.这里是我们的学校。学校中央有一座高大的教学楼。主路两侧是花圃。图书馆楼在左边,办公楼在右边。操场在教学楼后面。操场左边是计算机房。The flowerbeds and trees make our school beautiful.I like having lessons here.I love my school.花圃和树木使学校很美丽。我喜欢在这儿上课。我爱我们的学校。



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