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2020-10-12 12:00:01

Ball games have become an integral part of modern society. They give us entertainment providing us a means to safely free ourselves from stress. There are many different ball games that can do this for us. Some people enjoy football, while others like basketball. These two ball games are the most popular in China. Other games such as baseball are growing in appeal, yet have not become popular. The development of these games is interesting. Basketball is one of the few sports with a known date of birth. It was created in 1891 by James Naismith. Football, or soccer, originally developed from traits found in both China and Europe. It has grown to become the worlds most popular sport. In Europe, football clubs have been established, which in turn has been copied in the rest of the world. These football clubs train players who may later go play for their nations in the World Cup. This is the most watched ballgame championship on the planet. Basketball is not as popular as football in China, yet is growing. The teams of the National Basketball Association or NBA are becoming household names. The rise of such stars in China as Yao Ming highlights the creation of the Chinese Basketball Association, or CBA. This popularity of sports has led to the further creation of a sports industry, where accessories and fan products are sold. It is important that these organizations were established so that people would have a safe way to relax and enjoy themselves. 球类运动已经成为当今社会一个重要的组成部分。它们可以娱乐我们,为我们提供安全释放压力的方式。有很多种不同的球类运动有此效用。有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢篮球,这两项球类运动在中国都很流行。其他的球类运动,例如棒球也越来越具有吸引力,但却还没有广泛流行起来。这些运动的发展十分有趣。篮球是为数不多的具有明确诞生日期的运动之一。早在1891年它被詹姆士.奈史密斯发明。足球或所谓的英式足球是从中国和欧洲的一些早期球类运动中发展而来的,它已经成为世界上最流行的运动。欧洲最早建立足球俱乐部,而这一举动被世界的其他地区纷纷效仿。这些俱乐部训练的运动员可能会在世界杯中为他们本国效力。世界杯是全球最具看点的冠军联赛。在中国篮球没有足球那么流行,但正在不断发展。美国国家篮球协会又称NBA已变得家喻户晓。在中国,篮球明星如姚明的出现推动了中国篮球协会简称CBA的发展。体育运动的流行使得体育行业有了深入的发展,这包括纪念品和为球迷准备相关商品的销售。重要的是这些组织的建立使得人们有了安全的方式来放松自己、享受生活。可以自己删改一下



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