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2020-10-12 14:10:01


家乡的名人 我的英语老师作文300字 我家乡的名人有很多,但是,令我最最钦佩的还是我们教英语的孟老师。 孟老师是教育局英教办公室的主任,也是我们补课的老师。孟老师说起英语来如关不住...

My home town is located in from tribute a devious little village. Before a few years, mom, father and I take a car to come home together visit grandmother, . We sit on the way home, all the way of bumpy, the person trembles get be tired out, we shoul...

If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. If I could change one thing about my hometown, I think it would be the fact that theres no sense of community her...




端午节英语作文:我家乡的端午节 Legend of the Dragon Boat Festivals Origin At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, the area we now know as China had fallen into a state of fragmentation and conflict. While the Zhou dynasty had ruled for several cent...

英语作文 我的家乡I love me to be full of joyous sound to laugh at the home town of language then. Spring, willow elder sister took off white dress, changed green marriage outfit. Smell of piquant little careless little brother cerebella bag, floret litt...

My hometown我的家乡...

◆您现在正在阅读的我的家乡My hometown文章内容由收集, 本站地址:www.99zuowen.com,版权归原作者所有.!我的家乡My hometown I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet....

I am so happy you are going to visit my hometown , Quzhou . Yes , Quzhou is a nice city . It has fresh air and clean water . If you go to Quzhou , you can go there in anytime . Because it in summer is not very hot , in winter is not very cold , in Spr...

Myfatherhadevertoldme : Hishomewasinaremotevillage Whereflowersshedperfumeinspring . Ripefruitsfallfromtrees. Youwouldneverhavetowork. livetherelikeaparadise. Atnight , BetweentheMilkWay , TheCowshedandtheGirlweaveraretalkingtheirstoryoflove. Myhomeis...

Morning In My Hometown 家乡的清晨高考英语作文120字 My hometown is a beautiful place, it is in the countryside, because it is far away from the city, so the environment is very natural. The water is very clean, I can even see the fish and t...


I live in a small country. There is only one road leading to my hometown. Its not easy for us to go outside. My home is near a small river. In the summer, there are fishes in it. My home is a two floor building with six rooms and two living halls. Its ver...

I am a Chinese and I am form Qianwei. It is in the southwest of China...

Welcome to Suzhou. Today Im your tour guide. Suzhou is a beautiful place in Southeast China. It was built over 2500 years ago. So Suzhou is an old city with a long history. Its famous for its gardens and Hanshan Temple. We are all proud of them. Many fore...

我的家乡在安徽省安庆市,那里每年都风光迷人.物产丰富。 春天,冰雪融化,小溪淙淙的流淌,像是在向大家报信:春天来了,春天来了!一些植物像是听到了小溪说的话,都像赶集似的聚拢来...

我的家乡江海镇景色美,夜间的景色更美! 夜幕降临了,天上布满了一闪一闪的小星星。月亮出来了,安详地吐洒着它的清辉。月光下的长江,显得那么可爱,那么迷人,它就像一条巨龙横卧在大...

我的家乡在安徽池州,那是个山清水秀的地方。 我家门前有一个小池塘,池塘里的水清澈见底。阳光下,波光粼粼的水面就像一面明亮的镜子。活泼可爱的小鱼在里面游来游去,好像在玩捉迷...

我的家乡在一个四面环山的小镇上。那里四季如画,只要有游人来到这里,都不禁赞叹它的美,甚至都不想走了呢! 镇上只有几百口人,但依旧十分热闹,那是因为镇中央有个鲤鱼池。 鲤鱼池的...

我住在本溪,这里是一个山青水秀,景色迷人的好地方。 本溪有许多好玩的地方,我最喜欢的就是平顶山,因为在这里不仅可以欣赏到植物园的花草树木,还可以观看到可爱的动物。 当你走在...


看了这个题目,你可别奇怪:什么家乡特产呀?其实,家乡特产指的是泰山公园。 我站在泰山公园的东门前,映入眼帘的是一大块空地,这块空地主要用来放风筝,空地边上有一个池塘,里面若...

改革意味着飞跃,开放预示着富强,沐浴着改革的春天,只不过短短的几年时光,人们的生活有了翻天覆地的变化。我的家乡也奇迹般的改变着。 以前,村里只有烂土墙、破瓦房、木板屋,屋...

我家住在万达小区,那里风景很美,一走出门就能看见美丽富饶的松花江。一年四季美景如画。 春天,地上、树上一片翠绿,小草发出嫩芽,绿油油的,像一块块绿色的地毯。柳树发出新芽,...

我的家乡虽以泰山名扬天下,但我最喜欢的却是姥姥家的那条无名的小河。 清晨,当太阳把第一缕阳光照到小河上,沉睡了一晚的小河醒了,她揉着睡眼惺忪的眼睛,打着哈欠;河边小草上的露...

我的家乡虽以泰山名扬天下,但我最喜欢的却是姥姥家的那条无名的小河。 清晨,当太阳把第一缕阳光照到小河上,沉睡了一晚的小河醒了,她揉着睡眼惺忪的眼睛,打着哈欠;河边小草上的露...

我的家乡在一个小山村,那里的田地是一小块一小块的,种了各种各样的农作物。 家乡的秋天是五颜六色的。那一块是金黄的玉米,玉米的头上长了一撮黑黑的头发;那一块是红红的小朝天椒,...




毕业后的计划英语作文 甘肃语文高考作文 青春风采作文600字 我的同学作文300字三年级 尺有所短寸有所长作文 团圆饭作文200字 读书笔记作文400字 我的自画像作文600字 英语中考作文范文10篇 四年级下册语文第二单元作文 是金子总会发光的作文 妈妈谢谢你作文400字 读书的意义作文600字 克服困难的作文800字 温暖的记忆作文500字 关于写景的作文500字 关于自信的作文600字 幸福在那一刻绽放作文 大年初一作文400字 我与春天有个约会作文 小学生作文50字大全 珍藏的记忆 作文600字 话中秋作文500字 小学作文250字左右 读书的乐趣作文600字 五年级下册作文有哪些 人生的价值作文800字 大作文本图片 关于感恩的作文400字 未来的什么作文500字