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1Whatismydreamjob?Iwanttobeadoctor.Ithinkit’sgreatandinteres 英语作文关于未来职业的

2020-10-12 14:30:01

1 What is my dream job? I want to be a doctor. I think it’s great and interesting job. I can help many patient. It’s a hard job but I don’t mind it. I can find some happy in this job. Some people think doctors are work late. I don’t think so. If I feel happy, I can’t feel it’s very late. If I am a doctor now, I like my job. I don’t regret it, I can say:” I found a good job!” I don’t think this job makes me tired, I think it makes me solidity and happy. I believe I am sure to succeed. This is all of my dream job. I think I am sure to be a good doctor.2 Everyone has his dream job.For me,I want to be an artist.I show great interest in drawing.I like it very much.I am going to be famous when I grow up.Then how can I do that?I will finish my college.Then I will find a part time job for a year or two to save some money.And I will move to Paris.I will learn to speak French at the same time.I am going to hold an art exhibition in the future.Because I want to be rich.Iwill buy a big house for my parents.I am sure my dream can come true one day.Because I believe a saying"Nothing is impossible for a willing heart."What about your dream?Tell us.



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