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2020-10-12 14:45:01

A virus is a small class of individuals, non intact cell structure, containing a single nucleic acid DNA or RNA type, must parasitic and replicate within living cells non microbial cells.Smaller than bacteria, no cell structure, only the proliferation of microorganisms in living cells. The proteins and nucleic acids. Most use the electron microscope to observe.Bacteria are a large class of nuclear free nuclear membrane package, there is only referred to the proposed nuclear area or naked DNA primitive single celled organisms, including bacteria and archaea really two groups of which except for a few outside the genus Archaea, Most prokaryotes are really bacteria can be roughly divided into six types, namely bacteria narrow, actinomycetes, spirochetes, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia and Chlamydia. It is commonly referred to as narrow bacteria, narrowly defined as a class of bacteria prokaryotic microorganisms, is a kind of short fine shape, simple structure, and many more ways to reproduce binary fission prokaryotes, is the most widely distributed in nature, the largest number of individual organisms, is the nature of material recycling The main participants in bacterial cell wall is mainly composed of part of the cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus plastid, and some bacteria as well as capsule, flagella, pili and other special structures.



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