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初中英语人教版七年级下册第一单元.pptx 全文免费

2020-10-12 15:05:01

Unit 1 can you play the guitar?;The studying aims学习目标;第一类(辅音连滑):swim, club, story, speak, speak English, play chess, play the drums, play the piano, play the violin, ;Check the preparation;;一。英汉互译。弹吉他 2. 下国际象棋 3. 打篮球 4. 敲鼓 5. 讲故事 6. 帮助某人做某事 ;Lead in(导入); 俱乐部名称 ; ; What club do you want to ? I want to join the swim club. What can you do ? I can .;Look at these pictures and talk about What these people can do ?;1;He can play basketball.改为一般疑问句) he basketball?2. I want to join the music club.对划线部分提问) you want to join?3. She plays games after dinner.(否定句) She games after dinner.4. They can sing and dance.对划线部分提问) they ?5. I can sing in English. 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) sing in English?;can表示“可以、能”,后面接动词原形, 其否定句和疑问句的变化跟含be 动词的句子一样,不同的是情态动词不受人称变化的影响。例如: I can play the guitar. The old man can sing Beijing Opera. 肯定句 :He/She can play basketball.疑问句: Can he/she play basketball?否定句:He/She can not play basketball.;Work in pairs ;Grammar Focus;2a. Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.Wu Jun / speak English / speak Chinese 2. Mike /play basketball / play tennis 3. Jane and Jill / dance / sing 4. Grace / play soccer / play volleyball 5. Bill / write stories / tell stories ;Complete the poster with the words in the box. Students Wanted for School ShowWe want students for the school show. Can you or ? Can you the guitar? Can you stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.;We need some teachers in Happy School. Do you like ?Can you and Chinese? Can you ? Can you ?If you can, you can join the music club for teachers. Come to Happy School. Please call Mr. Bill 432 2323;2b. Fill the blanks the ads. Match the titles with the ads.;Are you after school? No? Can you ? Yes? Then We need you sports for students. It ! Please come to the Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293 7742. ;Add as many words as you can to make phrases.; Molly is a beautiful girl. She can basketball and football. She also can violin and piano. She is a kind girl. She often helps wanglin maths. She is good at English and French. She is good old people. She likes to drink milk every morning. She think it is good her body. Do you like Molly? Do you want to ? Please call at 444 2299.;教学流程、依据及设计意图 ; 球类 :play football play baseballplay 棋类: play chess the 乐器:play the guitar play the piano;Check in class (当堂练习); 3.She can play basketball. A. a B. an C./ D. the;根据汉语完成句子;Homework complete the exercises book



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