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2020-10-12 15:15:01

Dear Li Lei,I know it isn t easy to learn English well, You said you couldn t understand people who talked fast. There are four good ways to help.Well, I think you should try to listen for the most Unit1 How can we become good learners?y yimportant words, not every word. It is also a good idea to do lots of listening practice becauseI learned a lot that way. I think it s one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I think important is Englishgrammar. In order to learn it well, you have to take a lot of grammar notes in every class. You could try to improve your English by using the grammar you are learning. You can also read s more English books. Reading is as important as listening for us to learn English well. If you do so, I believe that you ll learn English very well later on. I hope these will help you.Yours,Meimei Dear Thomas, How are you? You asked me about the Lantern Festival. It is one of traditional Chinese festivals. We have it at the end of the Spring Festival. Usually, we eat sweet rice dumplings called yuanxiao We go out toUnit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Festivals dumplings called yuanxiao. We go out to watch colorful lanterns and guess lantern riddles with our family. We also let off firecrackers for fun. It s really interesting! We like the Lantern Festival very much. By the way, can you tell me what your favorite festival is? I am looking forward to your reply.Dear Sir / Madam,My name is Li Jie and I m from Beijing, China. I ll be coming to your school for a short study vacation this year. I d like to know more about the course I can take and your school.Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restroomsare? ask for informationCould you tell me what course I will study in your school? And I also want to know when the course will start. I like all kinds of activities. it would be interesting for me to know about the activities that students can take part in .Would you mind telling me the places where I can hang out and have their meals after school. I also want to know where I will stay. Can you tell me? The last question, can you tell me how I can get to your school? I would like to thank you for your help and I m looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully, Li JieHow I ve changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be overweight, but I m not anymore. I didn t use to wear glasses, but now I wear them. I used to be quiet but I m more outgoing now. Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise for me .Now I m much healthier.The biggest change in m life is that I become m chUnit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. changesThe biggest change in my life is that I become much better in English. Thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Wang, she gave me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so much that I started to read other books. This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of the English and I am doing better in my exams. This made my parents even be prouder of me.Use the following expressions to help you:My town/city is famous for is famous in my town/ city. is / are made of/ from/ with/ by/ in is / are used for Write a paragraph about the product. First two show is / are used for is / are known for is / are special because 这是一篇科普性说明文,让同学们介绍灯笼的相关情况,语态应为被动语态为主;时态应以一般现在时为主,辅以少量一般过去时态或其他时态的句子。这是一篇科普性说明文,让同学们介绍灯笼的相关情况,语态应为被动语态为主;时态应以一般现在时为主,辅以少量一般过去时态或其他时态的句子。My city, Suzhou, is famous for its silk quilts. These quilts are made of pure silk. They are made by skillful workers in many silk factories in the city. The silk quilts are used to keep people warm and comfortable in bed. They are known to be very comfortable because they are light and soft to touch. In addition, they look beautiful as they are decorated with beautiful patterns. Many people from all over the world come to Suzhou to visit the silk factories and buy not only the silk quilts but many other silk products too.This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and is used for taking notes quickly. It Sample writingImagine you are a businessperson. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class.g q yis very useful if you have a lot to write down. The pen comes with a microchip that can store a list of common words that you will use. You can program the words you will use often into the microchip s memorythen assign a short form to each word. When you are writing, you just need to write the short forms with the pen, press a button on the pen and the shortforms will change into the actual words. The microchip can contain up to 50 words and you can make chanes to the list of words whenever ou g yneed to.I do not agree with the rule that I must be home before dinner time every day. This is because the ruletakes away important chance for me to spend time withfriends. As a result, my life is quite uninterestingsometimes. I think I should be allowed to watch TV Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothrulesafter finishing my homework. Some TV programs aregood for my study and to relax. I would like tohang out with my classmates from time to time. I wish myparents will allow me to do this if I promise not to stay out too late. I could be happier if I can do something thatI enjoy. All in all, I think we teenagers should be given chances tomake our own decisions.My favorite kind of movie is the historical drama. I like historical dramas becausethey are a relaxing way for me to learn history and the effects that a historical event had on people s lives.Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. preferencesMy favorite movie is Gone with the Wind. It was made in 1939, based on a prize winning novel by Margaret Mitchell. The movie s plot is set against the American Civil War and it has an amazing cast that helps bring the story to life.When I watch this movie, I feel deeply moved. It makes me feel sad about the effects of war, but it also gives me hope in the strength of the human spirit.I think you should watch this movie, too because it is one of the greatest movies of all time.Dear IvanYou must be excited about coming to China soon. Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese customs. When you are eating at Unit10 You re supposed to shake hands.customsthe table, it s impolite to start eating first if there are older people at the table. You should let them start first. When you are eating with chopsticks, it is impolite to point at other people with your chopsticks. It is also impolite to stick your chopsticks into the bowl of rice and leave them there.In our house, you re supposed to take off your shoes before you enter the house just inside the front door. In our culture, we don t hug or kiss people , we should shake hands.When you go out with people, you should tell the hostess where you are going, who you are going with and when ou will come back. In our culture y ,the hostess will worry a lot about the safety of her guests, so a polite guest will always let her know these things.Have a safe trip, and I look forward to meeting you soon!Best wishes, Xiao Wei



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