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我的邻居英语作文!快最少一百个单词!简单一点的 初一水平!

2020-10-12 15:20:01

My NeighbourI have a good neighbour called Chen Ling.I call her Aunt Chen.She is about forty years old.She is not tall but strong.She is an English teacher.She teaches at a junior school.She lives just next to me.Every day we meet two times.Early in the morning when I go to school and it is also time for her to go to work.So we meet for the first time of the day.Then in the afternoon when I return home from school,she goes back home from her school too,so we meet for the second time.What an interesting thing!Aunt Chen has rich experience in teaching.And she is very kind and friendly.So when I have some trouble with my English,I often go to her for help.Eveytime she can help me work out the problems.Aunt Chen has many hobbies,such as running,swimming and playing badminton.But she likes playing badminton best.I often go to play badminton with her at weekends.我的邻居我有一个好邻居,她叫陈玲,我叫她陈阿姨.她大概40岁.她不高但很强壮.她是一个英语老师,在一间初中教书.她就住在我隔壁.我们每天见两次面.每天早上,我去上学的时间,也是她去上班的时候,我们见第一次面.到了下午我放学回家,她也下班回来,我们见第二次面.真有意思啊!陈阿姨有丰富的教学经验,她又很好.当我英语学习遇到什么问题,就去请教她.每次她都给我解决问题.陈阿姨有许多爱好,例如跑步,游泳和打羽毛球.她最爱打羽毛球.我周末经常去和她打羽毛球.



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