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介绍你的邻居英语作文 不少于8句话

2020-10-12 15:20:01

My neighbors called Jing Sha, her this year ten years old, and I are the same age but is bigger than me half a year. Her hair is short, is a little higher than me. The skin is a little black, big eyes. She is the person diligent, metrics. Soon have the Spring Festival, my mother let me stick hanging. I was about to stick, static Shalai. She offered to help me out of the paste, then paste it also help me stick hanging. We spent more than an hour to put all of the hanging stick. Mom saw us stick hanging straight boast that we stick.我的邻居叫静莎,她今年十岁,和我同岁但比我大半年.她的头发有点短,个子比我稍高一点.皮肤有点黑,眼睛很大.她这个人勤快、度量大.快过年了,妈妈让我粘吊挂.我正要开始粘,静莎来了.她主动帮我出糨糊,弄好糨糊之后还帮我粘吊挂.我们用了一个多小时就把所有的吊挂都粘完了.妈妈看到我们粘的吊挂直夸我们粘的好.



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