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2020-10-12 15:45:02

下面是五月份的日程表,请以”My busy May”忙碌的五月,为题写一篇作文。

May 4th, singing contest May 12th maths test

May 14th English test May 18th school trip May 25th my birthday

My Busy May

May will be a busy month for me. The singing contest is on May 4th. There will be a maths test on May 12th. The English test is on May 14th. The school trip is on May 18th. My favorite day is May 25th. Because it’s my birthday.

下面是五月份的日程表,请以”My busy May”忙碌的五月,为题写一篇作文。

May 4th, singing contest May 12th maths test

May 14th English test May 18th school trip May 25th my birthday

My Busy May

May will be a busy month for me. The singing contest is on May 4th. There will be a maths test on May 12th. The English test is on May 14th. The school trip is on May 18th. My favorite day is May 25th. Because it’s my birthday.



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