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2020-10-12 16:00:01

There are many many foods we can eat, such as apple, banana, pear, carrot, onion, orange, potato and many others. My father likes to eat very thing, expect it is not be able to eat. My mother likes to eat vegetables and fruits, she usually eat some meat. I like to eat meat, and fruits, too, but I do not like to eat vegetables, and apple is favorite food. It is very tasty and has many things, which our body need; they also can clean our teeth. Some of them are red, some of them are green. I like to eat the red ones, because they look nicer than the green ones. Apples are very useful, someone say apple can make people more beautiful and strong. I do not think apples can make us more beautiful and strong, but I believe someone who always eats apples will be more health than someone who does not like to eat apples will not be very strong! 有非常多的食物我们可以食用,像苹果,香蕉,梨子,胡萝卜,洋葱,桔子,马铃薯等等。我爸爸喜欢吃一切能吃的东西。我妈妈喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,她有时也会吃点肉。我也喜欢吃肉,吃水果,不过我不喜欢吃蔬菜。苹果是我的最爱。它味道非常好而且有着许多我们身体需要的营养,同时可以清洁我们的牙齿。有些苹果是红色的,有些是绿色的,我喜欢吃红色的,因为它看起来比绿色的好吃些。苹果是非常有用的,有些人说多吃苹果能使人美丽强壮,不过我并不同意这种说法。但我相信经常吃苹果的人会比那些不喜欢吃苹果的人健康些。



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