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25篇英语作文题目60~80词 急 跪求!!!不要答案

2020-10-12 18:40:01

25篇英语作文题目60~80词,急,跪求!!!(不要答案) 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 25篇英语作文题目60~80词,急,跪求!!!(不要答案) LV 2013 12 17 满意答案LV2013 12 181.Write the name of a person sitting near you. Now list at least four nice things about that person.写 下靠近你座位一个同学的名字.列举至少四点这个同学好的地方2.What are some signs of fall? Use all your senses to describe this season.秋天有什么景象?用你的五官去描述 秋天. 3.The night sky is filled with twinkling stars.If you caught a falling star and could make a wish on it, what would your wish be?夜幕降临,天上布满一闪一闪小星星,如果 你可抓住一颗掉下的星星,对它许个愿,你会许什么愿? 4.Think about someone who helps you.Write a letter to tell that person how much you appreciate his or her help.想想帮助过你的某个人.给他她写封信.表明你对他 她的感激. 5.Describe a time when you felt sad.讲述某个让你伤心, 难过的日子 6`My favourite season is winter抱歉,只有六个了,这些又简单,又不老式.还有4个你去多看看书,先想想有什么中文作文可写的,再把它翻译成英文 还有my English studying my family what can I do for Olympics? my hobby my favourite subject my school my favourite book my favourite teacher my favourite movie my favourite sport my favourite movie star my best friend my summer holiday my collection my wish to Olympics an interesting thing my mother my favourite animal my father my favourite program 1.A dull day写无聊的一天是如何度过的)2.Go to see a film(写看电影的经过)3.A birthday party(写我的生日聚会或参加别人的生日聚会)4.My trip(写我的一次旅行)5.My best friend(写我最好的朋友的外貌、性格特点等)6.My favourite food(写我最喜欢的食物)7.My favourite festival(写我最喜欢的节日)8.A holiday plan(写一个假期的计划)9.A study plan(写一个学习计划)10.I like read books(写我怎样的喜欢看书) 够了吧,自己选吧01 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题



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