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六年级英语作文:My parents 带翻译

2020-10-12 19:00:01

My mother is 38 years old, but she never tells others how old she is. She says she just doesn?ˉt want them to know about it! My mother is a well known doctor in our area. She works hard. She often gets up very early in the morning and rushes to the hospital to look after her patients. She is kind to her patients and treats them the way she treats her family. Sometimes I wonder whom she loves more, her patients or me. My father is 40 years old. He has short hair, big eyes and a small mouth. He is my best friend. My father is a teacher. Just like my mother, he is very busy. He doesn?ˉt have any holidays or weekends. Every morning he goes to school very early and stays with his students until late in the afternoon. It seems that he never gets tired! His students love and respect him. He always tells my mother how good it is to be a teacher, because his students make him feel young. He thinks my mother should be a teacher, too! But so far she hasn?ˉt taken his advice. I will be a new student in my fathers school this summer. I will work harder and I hope one day I can be a good doctor like my mother. 我的母亲是38岁,但她从来没有告诉别人她是多么老了。她说,她只是没有按?吨想让他们知道这件事!我的母亲是在我们区一个的医生。她努力工作。她经常起床,早上很早就赶到医院看她的病人。她善待她的病人和对待他们,她把她的家人的方式。有时候我在想她的人更爱她的病人或我。 我父亲是40岁。蓄短发,大眼睛,小嘴巴。他是我的朋友。 我的父亲是一位教师。就像我的母亲,他很忙。他不?吨有任何假期或周末。他上学很早,每天早晨保持与他的学生,直到傍晚。似乎他从来没有厌倦!他的学生的爱和尊重他。他总是告诉我的母亲是多么好的一个老师,因为他的学生让他感觉年轻。他认为妈妈应该是一个老师呢!但到目前为止,她还没有?吨接受他的意见。 我将是一个新的学生在父亲的学校在今年夏天。我会更加努力,希望有一天我能成为一个好医生像我的母亲。




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