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2020-10-13 19:20:01


In January 23, 2020, novel coronavirus was confirmed to be the third day of human transmission. In order to cut off the main transmission routes of virus, Wuhan announced to the world: sealing the city .


The city s public transport, subway, ferry and long distance passenger transport are suspended; the airport and railway station are closed from the Han channel. The recovery time will be notified later.

关闭超大型省会城市对外通道,这在新中国历还是首次。截至目前,武汉已经正式封城三天。2020年的武汉,好像根本没准备好迎接这场疫战。往日的繁华景象,一夜之间,就成了今天的寂静模样。 与之相反的,是医院。

It is the first time in the new Chinese calendar that the super large provincial capital cities are closed to the outside world. Up to now, Wuhan has been officially closed for three days. Wuhan in 2020 seems not ready for the epidemic war at all. The prosperity of the past, overnight, has become the silence of today. In contrast, hospitals.


Zhong Nanshan. Many middle aged people are no strangers to the name. 17 years passed like this. This long lost name appears in our vision again. Now, to this day, to this moment, when the virus is back. Overnight. In the mobile phone, on the dining table, near the ear, are all the news of pneumonia. One province after another has confirmed cases. One after another, we know that the scope is constantly expanding. Everyone can t help but panic, worry, fear.


But when the news of Zhong Nanshan s trip to Wuhan came out, many people in Wuhan said, I m at peace when I see him coming. .

在2003年的 非典 中。他最先报告非典病例。最早建立第一个非典隔离病房。最先创下抢救成功案例。最早制定出非典型肺炎临床诊断标准。最找总结出救治原则和方案。创下的非典危重病人抢救成功率。他是无双国士,更是定海神针;他是医者心,更是父母心。他敢医,也敢言。他感染病毒,但自愈,刚康复,又上了一线。

In SARS in 2003. He was the first to report SARS. The first SARS isolation ward was established. The first successful rescue case was created. It is the first time to establish the clinical diagnosis standard of SARS. The best way to find and summarize the treatment principles and programs. The success rate of rescuing SARS critical patients. He is an unparalleled scholar, but also a sea god needle; he is the heart of a doctor, but also the heart of his parents. He dares to cure and speak. He is infected with the virus, but he has just recovered from it.


This time, both the old and the young met Zhong Nanshan, who was once again in command.

鲁迅先生说:我们自古以来,就有埋头苦干的人。有拼命硬干的人,有为民请命的人。有舍身求法的人 这就是中国的脊梁。

Mr. Lu Xun said: since ancient times, we have people who have been working hard. There are people who work hard and ask for their lives. People who are willing to sacrifice their lives This is the backbone of China.


We are going through a cold winter, but we firmly believe that spring will come.



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