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2020-10-14 02:30:01

Think carefully about the following passage and the assignment below.

Essay Prompt

Mohandas Gandhi labeled close friendships as dangerous because friends react on one another and sometimes loyalty to a friend will lead us into wrongdoing.

George Orwell stated that sometimes one is willing to commit sins for the sake of loyalty to others.

What do you thinkare close friendships dangerous because they may lead us to wrongdoing, or is it okay that we sometimes commit sins for the sake of loyalty to others?


Whichever way you decide to think about closeness and giving another being all your trust is a big part of your personality. Whether you decide to give someone all your trust and hope they dont turn their back on you and betray you. Or maybe you feel that if they know nothing, they say nothing.

As Mohandas Gandhi says, maybe giving loyalty to a friend will lead us to bad things. The more a person knows you, the easier it is to deceive you. First of all, you already trust them and your heart will think of any excuse to prove to yourself your friend is not an enemy.

Your friend may have an alternative side that you have no idea about. He/she could be feeding your secrets to the enemy. Anybody can become your friend, but maybe they became your friend to tell someone else what happened to you to your old best friendall those things you never wanted that person to know. Be careful of handing out your trust as if it were mere rocks; make the recipient earn it as if it were gold.



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