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2020-10-14 08:55:01

高中英语新高考 赏名言:黑客帝国主题:发现自我读外刊:美国社区大学想免费 积累作文写作素材,提升阅读理解能力(含生词、难句、语法等知识点拓展) 说明:这些都是精选的美文(主要选自 voa, bbc, cnn 经典语篇)。 当然,我不仅仅是提供单纯的语篇,一般列出所有的生词、难句并配上相关拓展。 读者:高中或以上(基本上都是经典名篇,我努力选取易懂的)(孙三五编辑) 梗概:美国公立高中的学费对本地学生而言基本是免费的,现在政府开始计划社区大学也要免费,这样才能实现美国梦。 来源:大西洋月刊 During the industrial age, when high school was the gateway to the American dream, public school systems covered the costs of earning a diploma. Today, however, as associate’s degrees have replaced high school diplomas as the indispensable ticket into the middle class, families are forced to cover the costs of tuition and more. If the information age economy demands a workforce with additional training, we need to begin cutting students and families the same deal: Anyone willing to work hard and earn the degree should be able to attend community college—for free. 语篇分析: 文章一上来通过对比方式(Today, however)说明问题:社区大学必须免费。 语言分析: 1. 比喻:如何表达必备条件 be the gateway to be the indispensable(不可缺少的)ticket into 举例: the gateway to success/fame 通往成功之路/扬名的手段 For him, football was a ticket to a better life.对他来说,足球使他过上了更好的生活. The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.在竞争异常激烈的模特界,这一享有盛誉的头衔打开了通往成功的大门。 2. cover the cost of 支付……的费用 3.cut sb and sb a deal 某人和某人达成协议 4.长难句: During the industrial age, 定语从句,修饰 age: when high school was the gateway to the American dream, public school systems covered the costs of earning a diploma. Anyone 形容词短语后置定语:willing to work hard and earn the degree should be able to attend community college—for free. With that basic bargain in mind, a small band of mayors and governors has begun working to spark a quiet revolution in American education. We believe that associate’s degrees should be as accessible for the next 80 years as high school diplomas have been for the past 80. So the City of Chicago has joined Oregon, Rhode Island, and Tennessee in experimenting with ways to make community college free. Three years in, we’re starting to develop a clearer picture of how this can work. 语篇分析: 第一句承接上文,that basic bargain 承接第一段末句,主题:针对上面的问题,政府要开始悄悄地教育革命。第二句用对比的手法说明这样做的必要性。后两句说政府的努力。这就是很常见的段落展开模式:主题—》解释原因 –》具体细节 语言分析: 1.with … in mind 因为…… 2. spark a quiet revolution 中的 spark:to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting 引起,导致,触发(尤指争论或打斗) ??This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about how to organize the school system.这项提议很可能会再一次引起全国性的关于如何组织学校体系的争论。 ??The recent interest rises have sparked new problems for the Government.近期利率的调升为政府带来了新问题。 3. 最有特色的是 as accessible for the next 80 years as high school diplomas have been for the past 80 的表达,其实 as…as…的结构是最常见的类比方式之一,但我们写作中很少见。 翻译:We believe that associate’s degrees should be as accessible for the next 80 years as high school diplomas have been for the past 80. 我们相信,社区大学的学历在后面 80 年里应该是触手可及的,如同高中文凭在过去的 80年里那样的普及。 4. day/year in,day/year out 日复一日/年复一年 For a whole year I have worked day~,day out,without a holiday. 整整一年我日复一日地工作,没有假日。 5. develop a clearer picture of 有一个清晰的方案 文化背景: bachelors degree:四年制学士学位。associate degree:在美国和加拿大的社区学院或初级学院发放的为期两年的本科学位。 英语好句精选:黑客帝国(写作主题:发现自我) 1. I don’t like the idea that Im not in control of my life. 2. Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. 3. If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then rear is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. 4. The answer is out here, and it’s looking for you, and I will find you if you want it to. 5. Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions. 6.There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. 7. To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. 8. I can only show you the door. Youre the one that has to walk through it. 9. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. 10. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. 11. I dont know the future. I didnt come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. 12. What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world, and the real world? 13. You have to let it all go, Neo, fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind. 译文: 1.我的生活身不由己,我不喜欢这种想法。 2.纵观人类历史,我们一直依靠机器的力量来生存。 3.如果真实感是你能感觉到、闻到、尝到和看到的东西,那么所谓“真实”不过是你的大脑处理的一系列电信号罢了。 4.答案就在外面,而且它正在找你,只要你愿意就可以被找到。 5.或许我们提了错误的问题。 6.知道路在哪和走过那条路是有区别的。 7.拒绝承认我们的冲动就是在否认我们作为人的根本。 8.我只能带你找到大门。你必须自己走过去。 9.命运,看起来并不是没有讽刺感的。 10.这是你最后的机会。在此之后,再也无法回头。 11.我不知道未来是怎样的。我不是来告诉你这一切是如何结束的。我只是来告诉你这一切将如何开始。 12.假如你一直无法从梦中醒来呢?你怎么知道梦境与现实的区别呢? 13.丢到一切杂念,恐惧、怀疑、不信任,释放你的思想。



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