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跪求~《野天鹅》英文读后感 150字左右的~不用要求太高 初一水平就够了……咱第一次

2020-10-14 23:40:01

In a faraway kingdom, there lives a King with his twelve children: eleven princes and one princess. One day, He marries a wicked Queen who is actually a witch. Out of spite, the queen turns her eleven stepsons into swans and forces them to fly away. The brothers carry Elisa to safety in a foreign land where she is out of harms way of her stepmother. The king of another faraway land happens to come across the mute Elisa and falls in love with her. Eventually he proposes to crown her as his Queen and wife, and she accepts. One night Elisa runs out of nettles and is forced to collect more in a nearby church graveyard, braving witches who feast on the graveyard corpses. She can speak no word in her defence and is sentenced to death by burning at the stake. The brothers discover Elisas plight and try to speak to the king, but fail. Even as the tumbril bears Elisa away to execution, she continues knitting, determined to keep it up to the last moment of her life. Then Elisa throws the shirts over the swans, and the brothers return to their human forms. The youngest brother retains one swans wing because Elisa did not have time to finish the last sleeve. Elisa can now speak and explain the reason for her mysterious work, but she faints from exhaustion, so her brothers explain. Elisas courage prevails, and she is forever reunited with her brothers.

跪求~《野天鹅》英文读后感 150字左右的~不用要求太高 初一水平就够了……咱第一次写英文读后感……所以很不熟练……所以请帮帮忙……文章最好有大概的故事内容 然后有一点点小道理



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