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2020-10-15 16:00:02

Myhome town is in the center of Xuzhou which was a quiet and beautiful place. Inthe past, there were many animals. They were lovely and nice. The air was freshand there were many birds fly in the sky.

我的家乡在徐州,是一个安静而美丽的地方中心。本文向您介绍有关《家乡的变化带翻译 Changes in My Hometown》的内容在过去,有许多动物。他们是可爱的,漂亮的。空气清新,有许多鸟在天空飞翔。

Overthe past years, it has changed a lot. At the present, it becomes a modern town and developsa lot. Now, the people in Xuzhou are richer than before, so most of people goto work by bus or by underground. Sometimes, they also drive their private carsto work. Many people sell out their old houses and move into new flats.


Insome ways, the development has brought some good things, but it has also causesmuch environment pollution. I think we should take action to reduce thepollution.


你喜欢哪种旅行方式?In Which Ways Do You Like to Travel?

Manypeople like traveling by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport isusually far from the city. I have to get there early and wait for hours for theplane to take off and it is often late. During the flight, the window can’t beopened. Besides, the food on the plane is not good. Planes are fast, but they stilltake hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

Ilike traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usuallyin cities. If I am late for the train, I still could catch another one. I canwalk around in the train and open the windows. I can see many interestingthings on the way.

Ialso like cars. I can start your journey whenever I want to, and I don’t needto get to a railway station or bus stop. Also I can carry many things with in acar. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

英语学习计划 Plan for English Learning

I’ma middle school student. I love English, but it’s hard for me. Now I have agood plan to learn English.


Ihave a pronunciation problem. I can’t pronounce so well. So I plan to listen tothe tape and read after it. I can’t read English passages quickly and can’twrite a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. Asfor listening, sometimes I can’t understand what others are saying. So I planto improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the mostdifficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can helpme with it.


Withthis English learning plan, I’m hoping for great progress.


愉快的周末 A Nice Weekend

LastSaturday, my parents and I went to visit my grandma. My grandma was glad aboutour coming, so she had already prepared a lot of fresh fruits and deliciousdishes. We had a happy time at the table.


Inthe afternoon, we climbed Daming Mountain. The scenery there was so beautiful.Then we had dinner in a restaurant. After dinner, we went to see a film. Howinteresting it was to see a film in the open air! Everyone was so cheerful thatlaughed so happily.

Whata wonderful weekend I had. I would remember it forever.



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  1. 2022-05-09 12:23寻找![贵州省网友]IP:3075824627
  2. 2021-06-29 11:48汹涛[贵州省网友]IP:3393126237
  3. 2020-08-19 11:13朽木、[四川省网友]IP:3390411534


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