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2020-10-15 17:35:02

四四方方一个小世界,就是我们各自的房间啦。以下是小编带来的我的房间英语,希望对你有帮助。 我的房间英语作文一 Welcome to my room ,it is not very big but it is very nice and clean ,there are many things in my room ,near the wall is my bed ,under the bed is my soccer,my desk is beside the window ,there are many books and a tablelight on the desk ,the chair is under the desk ,there are many pictures on the wall ,they are all my favorite actors and movie stars,I like their movies ,there is a book shelf in my room ,on the shelf are my favorite books ,i like them best ,I usually read books when I am free,I like my room very much .

我的房间英语作文二 Hu yukun This is my room. There is a big bed in my room. Above my bed is a map of China. China is my Motherland. Next to my bed is my bedstand. On it is a shelf, There are some collection on it, such as Chinese clay doll, a bear carve from Yellowstone National Park and Aladdin lamp. I have a book case too, many books are on it. Before the case, it is my desk. On the desk, there is a fish tank, some fish are in; it. I like them very much. There is also a globe on the desk .This is my room. Do you like this room?



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