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农村的改变The Change of Village

2020-10-16 09:05:01

I live in a small village until I was 7, then I moved to a city where is so far away from my home. After ten years later, I came back to the village, I found it changed so much that I hardly recognized. The change of the village reflects the development of the economy, people enhance life level.直到七岁以前,我都生活在一个小村庄,之后我搬去了一个离家里很远的城市。十年以后,我回到了村庄,我发现那里改变了很多,我差点没认出来。村庄的改变反映了经济的发展,人们的生活水平提高了。The change of the village includes many sides. First, there are more cars. Before, people like to walk and the car is too expensive for them to buy, but now, as the development of the life standard, almost everyone has a car. They keep pace with the time. Second, the building is modern and people build new homes. When I was in the village, people there live in the small house and the material is not that modern. The big house means people have more income to live a comfortable life. All the changes are good for people.农村的改变包括很多方面。第一,有很多车。之前,人们喜欢走路,车子对于他们来说太贵了,买不起,但是现在,随着生活标准的提高,几乎每个人都有车。他们跟上了时代的步伐。第二,建筑很现代,人们建了新家。当我还在村子的时候,人们住在小房子里,房子的材料落后。大房子意味着人们有更多的收入来过舒适的日子。这些变化对人们来说是好的。But the other change shocks me—the environment. When I lived here, the river is clean, the water is so pure that I could see my feet under the water. There are fishes and shrimps, but now, the water is polluted, the color has been changed, fish and shrimp are no more being seen.但是另外的变化令我震惊—环境。当我在这里生活的时候,河是清澈的,河水很纯净,我可以看到水中的脚。那里有鱼和虾,但是现在,河水被污染,颜色已经变了,鱼和虾看不到了。The change of the village means people’s life standard has been increased, the development of economy is at the cost of the environment, we need to protect our environment.农村生活的改变意味着人们生活标准的提高,经济的发展却以环境为代价,我们要保护环境。




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