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2020-10-16 09:05:01

www.ruiwen.com 我

中国美丽而又富强。而这美丽富强的背后却是中国数百年来的耻辱和悲痛,这眼前的幸福是来之不易的,是珍贵的。下面是小编带来的是我眼中的中国英语,希望对您有帮助。 我眼中的中国英语作文1

My eye is a China invincible wolf, is a never understood the fear of a lion. It has a long cultural history of 5000 years, has long stretches of the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Pentium majestic majestic Terracotta Army......

66 years ago, our war of resistance against Japan ended, and in the near future there was war in Korea, and we went to help again. In the history of our China was a bully, but we again stand firm and inflexible. In the destruction of the Old Summer Palace in the British and French troops robbed us of countless treasures, also killed a maid, the eunuch. We sell it to us at the price of tens of millions of dollars at the auction. As the old China corruption we signed numerous Treaties: Nanjing treaty , Treaty of aigun , Sino Russian Treaty of Beijing , Sino Russian Treaty of Tianjin , Beijing treaty , Treaty of Tianjin in china...... These unequal treaties made us suffer, lost billions of silver, millions of gold, and cut Hongkong, Heilongjiang, and the Xingan ridge.

It was good that China had a Mao Zedong, leading the army to drive the aggressors out of China.

A history book was opened, and a five thousand years old male lion was finally revived in the war, and he killed the enemy with the hatred and anger of the whole Chinese people. This is China in my eyes.






There are many races in this world, and there are all kinds of countries. For example, a few powerful Americans, Japan, Canada... These are all powerful countries with great strength.

Rise up! People who do not want to be slaves! Our flesh and blood, let us build our new the Great Wall! The Chinese people to the most dangerous time, everyone was forced to issue a final roar. Get up! Get up! We million people united as one man brave the enemy s fire! Forward! Forward! In!

This is our national anthem, and it was written by our country when it was bullied by the country.

China has a history of 5000 years of civilization, although it has a history of 5000 years, but there are countless disgrace.

In my eyes, China is good and bad, the advantage is that weapons are still advanced. In the past, the western countries have been bullying us, for example, the present Old Summer Palace is a tragic example.

The main thing I have to say is my present China, and now China is also a great power. Other countries do not invade our country and do not harm us. The people of our country will not hurt them. Our country will also help those backward countries.

The Chinese people s Congress is very selfish. These people often lie to deceive people, they are all for money, for their own interests, and some people are afraid of crime for money, but also to do it.

The quality of the Chinese people is not good, first to say the family, and some parents do not sometimes promise not to do. Again, school, from primary school students will be abusive, to secondary school, some people fight, smoking, drinking, gambling.

But China also has a good side, China has a very high building, the longest river, the longest river...

These are what I know about China.











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