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2020-10-16 09:30:01

My home town is Tianjin. Although Tianjin is a modern city, the weather of Tianjin is ok. I hope Tianjin will have a good environment in the future. I will talk about the problem and solution regarding to Tianjins air and water.The air and water are not clean in Tianjin. Compare to the western countries, Tianjins water is not good. The smell of water is awful, and the water looks muddy. Moreover, Tianjin often has sand storms in the spring. The bad weather makes people difficult to breathe. Therefore, Tianjins government needs to pay extra attention to the weather.The government and the public should work together to solve the air and water problem in Tianjin. For the government, it can make the old factories update their facilities for productions, or the government makes these factories to pay fine when they cant reach the environments standards. For the general public, people can use low carbons travelling ways. The Mobike and OFO are very popular in China now. These new ways of bike sharing can reduce the carbon submission to the environment.Therefore, I have discussed the problem and solution in Tianjin. It needs a great effort for everyone in our society to work together and protect the environment.我用天津写的,如果是别的城市,把天津换了就可以了吧



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