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2020-10-16 09:45:01

例文,参考一下 Some people enioY the convenience of the city. First, there are many public places of entertainment, such as parks, cinemas, exhibitions, nightclubs and so on. And there ale also quite a number of schools, universities and scientific research institutions that provide good education. Second, the public transportation facilities are very convenient. Taxicabs, buses, trolley buses, and subways can quickly take people anyplace in the city. And third, shops and department stores are well stocked with goods of all kinds, high in quality and low in price. Some people like the rural scenery in the country. First, it is close to the outdoors, the air being fresh and pure. Second, it is free from the noise and air pollution and traffic jams of the city. Third, gardening and fishing here are pleasant pastimes. But the city and country have their own disadvantages. For examples, the pollution and traffic jam have become more and more serious in the city, while in the country life is relatively backward. Comparing this with that. however. I prefer to live in the city.



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