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2020-10-16 15:55:01

Take the cat a landlords house have a lovely cat, can be pretty. Fur of white and yellow, the luster of the shining under the sunlight shine on drink, a pair of ears particularly clever, nothing happens all escapes it. The most into cat belly is more and more big, I ask the landlord granny. She smiled and said: "old cat is having a cat!" No wonder this several days old cat stomach is bigger, also nobody touch it in the stomach. If you dare to touch it, it would be out of sharp talons and merciless you. Another little old cat out activities, I thought it was ill! Didnt expect she had kittens so soon. Ha ha, the mother cat will be in my heart! It seems I have to start it him reading the cat. This morning I get up and run into the landlords home to visit old cat, suddenly heard a weak cry. Looked inside, between the cat nest five little cat, very beautiful eyes havent opened, are just crawling in the nest. Five little kittens in the three just all white, a black and white, a yellow and white. After lunch, I went to see a cat. Saw the old cat lying in the middle, five meat doodle cat close to the old cat bosom, mother and son are sleeping! After a while, the old cat woke up and saw him carrying the kittens neck one carry outside. I wondered, to ask the landlord grandma again. Grandma said: "at this time because the old cat want their children to grow up early, put the kitten took out nest, the cat will run around with fear, continue to run to grow strong." I didnt think old cat really have a way of training children. After a while, the old cat and kitten diao back to the nest. Old cat, and cats to play again. Looking at a cat so happy, I wish them a happy family sincerely.



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