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谁能帮我写一个关于邯郸的英文介绍 我面试用的 急等.主要是关于这些.邯郸市是国家历

2020-10-17 05:25:01

Handan city is a national historical and cultural city and allusion,according to West Taihang Mountains,east of the North China Plain,the border with Shanxi,Shandong and Henan provinces.Handan has a long history and splendid culture,is an important one of the birthplaces of the Chinese civilization.Warring States period,Handan as the capital of the State of Zhao 158 years.The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation,129 Division of the Eighth Route Army Command and Loads of the seat of government.Handan geographical location,traffic conditions and the rapid economic development.The city has a lot of fun attractions.This is my beautiful hometown welcome you to Handan.能力有限,应该是这样的.面试水平就这种也可以了哈,他不会考托福那么难的.

谁能帮我写一个关于邯郸的英文介绍 我面试用的 急等.主要是关于这些.邯郸市是国家历史文化名城和中国成语典故之都 西依太行山脉 东接华北平原 与晋 鲁 豫三省接壤.邯郸历史悠久 文



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