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2020-10-17 05:55:02

I like spring germination, growth under the care of the earth. I like the generous peak green, I like the spirit striving to make progress. I like to step into the cool summer pavilion. Such as the sea around the lotus, lotus leaf like a group of conscientious escorts, flutters the body for lotus low sing a wonderful song after another.

I like the autumn fruit trees. On the branches, in the countless leaves, can always find many big sweet fruit.

I like snow in winter, so pure, so clean. Gently float down, floating on the heart, want to stretch out his hand to touch, all of a sudden it melted.

I also like flowers, in either. I like the fresh lily, tulip, which fragrant gorgeous peony and coloured lanqiu chrysanthemum. I also like to drive on the side of the road not well known small wildflowers, pale pink, sky blue, yellow, lavender, I think they are beautiful too.

I like reading books, to enjoy the beauty in the book. Whenever reading, as if really came to the world in the book, and the hero laughing, sad together, to explore together in the book to the other world.

I also like to draw, when see the beautiful scenery, use the brush to record the beautiful scenery, the picture has become my memories.

I like to write to teach little brothers and sisters, holding a seriously to teach them with your hands in mine. When they laughed and said: I ll write! Then pretend to be a serious said: you see I write? I like/love to write words, they even crooked, but could see that they are written in the heart.

I love life, I love in the life is filled with so much love!








我喜欢教弟弟妹妹们写字,认真地一笔一画地手把手地教他们。当他们嘻嘻哈哈地说: 我会写啦! 然后装出一副严肃的样子说: 你看我写得怎么样? 我喜欢他们写的字,即使歪歪扭扭,但看得出他们是用心写的。





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