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英文怎么翻译汉语 节选出的一段Lastmonthagirlwhowaslessthan20yearsoldmovedinandbe

2020-10-18 17:10:01

英文怎么翻译汉语,(节选出的一段)Last month a girl who was less than 20 years old moved in and became my neighbour.A red jacket that is as red as fire, a pair of "Qiaodan" sports shoes, as well as the sweet smile she is always wearing, have made up my whold impression of her. Her vitality of youth will make my eyes brighten every time I see her. And from then on she has become the "big sister" of the children in my neighborhood because she often plays with them.Yesterday I heard a little boy crying. He was clamoring to see "sister Yangyang"! These children nearly couldnt be without her. 英语作业帮用户2017 11 02

英文怎么翻译汉语 节选出的一段Lastmonthagirlwhowaslessthan20yearsoldmovedinandbecamemyneighbour.Aredjacketthatisasredasfire apairofQiaodansportsshoes aswellasthesweetsmilesheisalwayswearing



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