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2020-10-20 12:10:01

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Green Food . 1.近年来,“绿色食品”变得越来越流行。 2.分析这种现象产生的原因。 3.你对该现象的看法。 范文: As more and more people focus on health diet,green food has begun to draw more and more attention by the public .In recent years,the market demand for green food has increased dramatically ,and all kinds of green food have emerged in an endless stream .Why does green food become so popular in China?Above all, compared with ordinary food,green food is healthier,safer and more nutritious.Moreover,nowadays,many vegetables are polluted because of the usage of agricultural chemicals,while green food is free of pollution.Besides, with the improvement of the living standards ,more people can afford a healthier but more expensive lifestyle.So green food,despite its higher price,still becomes people s favorite food. However,nowadays the market is full of real and fake green food,making many consumers confused.Therefore,the government must strengthen the supervision and administration of green food market.Besides,consumers should increase the knowledge of green food.Only in this way can green food play a more positive role in people s life.



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