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2020-10-20 19:35:01


试卷一:Motivation and methods in learning

The great difference in learning outcomes, especially among those who are almost equally hardworking, has triggered a controversial issue as to the importance of motivation and methods for learning. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that motivation and methods are the main factors accounting for the learning effect, but others consider them less important than hardworking.

I personally agree with the former for the reasons presented below. Before learning, it is motivation that gets a person started. Without motivation that is, without interest or an exam that drives you to learn you won t even start the learning process, and naturally there won t be any outcome. During learning, it is again the motivation that encourages the learner not to give up half way. And this is when great methods come along. With proper methods, learning becomes easier and hence less frustrating because a learner can usually achieve more with less learning materials or practice. Consequently, it boosts motivation as well. However, hardworking with improper methods results in failure to produce positive outcome, and aggravates the feeling of frustration.

From my perspective, it is crucial that we understand and accept the fact that motivation and methods are more critical to learning than hardworking. Only in this way can we make full use of our efforts and have better learning outcomes.

试卷二:mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships

Understanding and respect

You reap what you sow. The wisdom of this saying is not lost in our era, especially when it comes to mutual understanding and respecting others, yet arrogance seems rife nowadays. The implication of this message is, in the case of respect, that if you understand and respect others, you will be understood and respected in return.

Understanding and respecting others is rewarding in three aspects. First, from a social standpoint, it enhances mutual trust and reduces the chance of conflicts between people with different beliefs because it urges people to think in others shoes before criticizing their opinions thereby preventing impulsive conflicts. Moreover, it benefits the understanding and respectful person himself, too. Understanding and respecting others helps him to calm down and take a deeper insight into his own ideas, which means he is more likely to think in the big picture. Finally, we should always bear in mind that respect is earned with respect, and so is understanding, and you will never win them with arrogance and threat.

When we understand and respect others, we command them from others as well. There is a simulative effect that kicks in when people stay humble and respect diversity. By respecting and harnessing each other s strengths, we boost opportunity for all people.

试卷三:the importance of team spirit and communication in workplace

Team spirit and communication in workplace

It is time, at last, to speak the truth about the importance of team spirit and communication, and the truth is this. Team spirit and communication are really not such outdated clich s, especially in the circumstance of the workplace.

In the workplace, team spirit and communication are crucial in two aspects. Firstly, a job worth doing is usually worth doing together. Although some people do succeed by working independently, more indications tend to show that teamwork helps people achieve more, and it is the communication that transforms the chaotic crowds into orderly teams. Also, team spirit implies team objectives weigh more than individual accomplishment. It s like an orchestra performance. None of the performers is better than all of them. The performers communicate mutely and join their efforts. They know it clearly that no one can whistle a symphony on his own it takes a whole orchestra to play it.

In a nutshell, team spirit and communication in the workplace shall never be underestimated. Only by working as a team and communicate well with colleagues can one attain greater accomplishment.












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