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2020-10-21 00:05:01

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

作文范文首段:图画描述A simple but enlightening cartoon is given: a master is taking an interview for a job; however, the employer, looking at his resume, responds, “Sorry, kid… Your resume looks good, but you only have a master’s degree … All the other applicants are Ph.D.s!”

二段:图画主题+现象+意义Evidently, the boss’ attitudes toward degrees can be naturally associated with their blindness in job interviews. Actually, if employers intend to look for ideal applicants, it is significant to consider job hunters’ authentic competence: professional skills, teamwork spirits and strategic minds. Several examples can be given: professional skills help one to do specific jobs well; teamwork spirits help a team to work efficiently; strategic minds help one to gain a promising future in jobs. It is these qualities that enable employees to contribute a lot to the further development of their firms or organizations. As a matter of fact, intelligent employers in large numbers have come to realize the significance of applicants’ comprehensive qualities. However, in contemporary society, it is common phenomenon for a host of job hunters to be discriminated in job markets, just because of their lower degrees.

尾段:观点+建议+展望Employers should bear in mind: degrees do not mean one’s competence. I, as a college student, am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to enhance not only our degrees, but also diverse capabilities.



悲观/乐观 pessimism / optimism勤奋diligence n. / diligent adj.耐心 patience n./ patient adj.创新innovation n./ innovative adj.美德virtue谨慎prudence逆境setbacks成功无捷径there is no shortcut to success终身学习lifelong study幽默感a sense of humor沟通communication身心健康physical and mental health捐献donation爱国主义patriotism奉献 contribution梦想 ambitions机遇opportunity 挑战challenge 勤俭节约thrifty 奉献精神the spirit of dedication 自信self confidence 诚实honesty/ integrity谦虚modesty奋斗strive团队精神 合作teamwork spirit cooperation竞争competition社会公德public morality责任responsibility内心美inner beauty



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