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2020-10-21 01:15:01

新东方老师王兆飞认为今年的写作题目比较难,但是仔细看,还是有破解方法的。 以写作真题一为例:the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers,写公司和消费者,基本上就是卖家和买家他们建立信任的重要性。没有给别的多余信息,这样反倒好写。 看到这种题目,有可能想到的有五类范文,简单说,前四类是坏事、好事,不好不坏的事,有好有坏的事。这里就需要判断这篇作文反映的是好事、坏事还是有好有坏。文章既然让你写两者之间建立信任,那肯定是之前缺乏信任,缺乏信任肯定不是好事。所以这个基本上用我们所说的坏事的套路去写,基本上是写提出问题、解决问题、分析问题三步。 先来看范文。 Build Trust between Businesses and Consumers 提出问题The past few years have witnessed a mounting number of cases resulting from the conflict between businesses and consumers. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to enumerate. All these cases result in the loss of trust between the two sides. 分析问题A number of factors can account for the problem, but the leading reason is the cheating behavior of either the business or the consumer. On the one hand, some stores may have sold substandard commodities to the customer, which caused the latter to lose trust in the former. On the other hand, some customers might be too picky, which ruined their image in the seller’s mind. Whatever the reason is, if the situation is allowed to continue, the consequence will be worrisome. 解决问题In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before the situation deteriorates. First, it is imperative that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to punish those who cheat in the market. Secondly, both businesses and consumers should enhance the awareness of mutual understanding and mutual respect. With these measures taken, we have every reason to believe that the problem will be remedied in the near future. 可以看到范文与2017年12月四级的题很相似,相对容易,统一的都可以用提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路解决。 第一个,提出问题。 范文字面的意思是过去几年见证了越来越多的案件,由什么导致的案件呢?由买家和卖家矛盾所导致的案件。可以看到最后一句,所有的案件都会造成双方之间信任的缺失。但是要再深化一下原因,到底是什么东西造成了信任的缺失呢?因为你只有把原因找到了,后面再提建议,建议信任才能对症下药。 接下来我们来看一下第二步:分析问题。很多因素都可以解释这个问题,但是主要原因是,卖家或者是买家,商家或者是消费者一方的欺骗性行为,无非是骗人了,详细说一下,可以举例子——一方面有些商店包括网店,可能卖一些次品给消费者,这就让顾客失去了对前者的信任;而另一方面,有一些消费者或者是顾客,准确说是顾客,可能太挑剔了,因为一点点毛病就把货给退了,甚至没有毛病,人家卖家说无理由退货,没有什么他真退货了,这就是破坏了卖家的形象。 当然整篇文章围绕建立信任的重要性,我们可以从另外一个角度来写:如果没有信任会导致不好的结果,所以必须建立信任。所以范文中写了Whatever the reason is, if the situation is allowed to continue, the consequence will be worrisome.不管谁骗谁,如果这个趋势继续下去后果是令人担忧的,所以那就建立信任吧。 最后一个环节:解决问题。范文写的:鉴于问题的严重性,有效措施必须采取。重点是继续不信任对方肯定就不好了,后面分两个方面,首先很有必要,First, it is imperative that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to punish those who cheat in the market就是制订并实施法律和规范,来惩罚那些在市场上骗人的人;另外就是Secondly, both businesses and consumers should enhance the awareness of mutual understanding and mutual respect.卖家和买家,公司和消费者都应该提高相互理解、相互尊敬的意识,最后With these measures taken, we have every reason to believe that the problem will be remedied in the near future.相信这个问题在不久的将来得到解决。

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  1. 2023-06-21 10:05济南卞志强[江西省网友]IP:830472365
    @night exile考试结束后看到了这篇作文解析,觉得对自己的写作水平有了一些启发,很谢谢分享。
  2. 2022-11-19 09:22night exile[广西网友]IP:3405776261
  3. 2022-04-19 08:38好久[新疆网友]IP:1744524651
  4. 2021-09-17 07:54習慣孒、冇妳[辽宁省网友]IP:3740285175
  5. 2021-02-15 07:10暮色青田[重庆市网友]IP:1969696708
  6. 2020-07-16 06:26晓韵如梦[北京市网友]IP:3407058222


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