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2020-10-21 02:00:01

Food Safety 食品安全 提纲: 1、食品安全事件不断发生所以近年来越来越受到关注; 2、它造成巨大的危害; 3、我们该如何做? 危害:1、浪费资源; 2、对诚信经营是打击,产生道德危机; 3、严重危害群众的健康和生命。 对策:1、法律;2、识别;3、加强监管。 本写作范文由 河南专升本网 整理发布 Nowadays, unsafe foods can be found, now and then, in the market, which has aroused a lot of public attention. It is reported that these foodstuff ranges from substandard milk powder, tainted/dyed steamed buns to pork with lean meat powder. Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. To begin with, it is a waste of resource, especially in our country. Second, it has bad effect on the reputation of the real manufacturers and brings about moral Crisis. Above all, all that matters is food.people s health and lives are severely threatened if someo ne buys some unsafe foodstuff. Measures should be take to deal with the problem. On the one hand , strict laws should be passed to punish the producers and the sellers. On the other hand, consumers should be told to distinguish the genuine goods from the false ones. At the same time, the government should strengthen the supervision of all aspects of food. I firmly believe this problem will be solved in the near future. Global Shortage of Fresh Water 全球淡水短缺 提纲: 1、人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 提示:雨水、河水、井水 ...... ; 2、实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染 ......; 3、我们应该怎么办? 原因:1、人口增加; 2、工业用水增加; 3、污染......。 对策:1、法律;2、教育;3、科技。 本写作范文由 河南专升本网 整理发布 It is widely thought and accepted that the world s supply of fresh water will never be run out of used up because it comes from such a variety of sources as rain ,river, well. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water. However As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. There are many causes for the shortage of it. First, the word s population is growing rapidly. Second, The demand for water is rising. What s more, our surroundings has suffered serious ...



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