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2020-10-21 02:05:01


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


题材: 单一命题议论文;

要求: 给建议;

话题: 如何最好地处理医生和病人的关系

观点: 和谐医患关系很重要

方法: 医生提高职业能力;病人提高素质


1.众所周知+现状描述,背景介绍。2. 我认为+观点

It is beyond dispute that the increasingly nervous relationship between doctors and patients has triggered a rather widespread concern among the general public, as numerous reports about medical negligence have been unveiled continually. I am of an opinion that there is no more significance than keeping a harmonious physician patient relation.


1.方法如下。2. 方法一:提高职业能力。分析原因结果3. 方法二:病人要提高素质。分析原因结果4. 数据/例子

Several possible measures relating to relieve the tension of doctor patient relationship are included as follows. For one thing, owing to the fact that doctors in some local hospitals who lack the medical skills are not trusted fully by the public, they ought to improve their occupational qualities to assure the safety of medical work. For another, for patients, they should learn to trust and appreciate doctors because of their professional skills. Take my recent experience in hospital for instance. It was effective communication between me and my surgeon that enabled the operation more smoothly.


1. 总结。2. 展望

Establishing a doctor patient trust relationship, all in all, has brought about a series of positive effects on every aspect of life. Only by making collective efforts from both two sides can the relationship be prompted.



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