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2020-10-21 02:05:01

导读:2018年湖北成人高考专升本英语作文范文:入学申请,2018年湖北成人高考专升本英语作文范文:入学申请 Application Letter for Study Dear Sir: I am writing to you because I wish to have information about admission to your university, the courses you offer and details of any sch ......更多“”请关注湖北成教网微信。 2018年湖北成人高考专升本英语作文范文:入学申请 Application Letter for Study Dear Sir: I am writing to you because I wish to have information about admission to your university, the courses you offer and details of any scholarship for foreign students. I would also like to receive information on tuition and housing. I studied at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade for four years from 1989 to 1993. There I obtained a B.A. degree in Economics and got A s in all my subjects. After graduation I became a teacher of Economics of Shanghai university. Now I have had five papers published. In addition, my knowledge and practical command of English is adequate. My immediate degree objective at Columbia University is Master Degree of Science. I am looking forward to an early reply. Yours sincerely Lin nan

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