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2020-10-21 03:10:01

good,our journey comfortable.our journey comfortable.We all think he greatman. Suddenly thoughtout goodidea. Thanks goodweather Thanks goodweather, think highly himthink highly goodidea goodidea occurred me.me. goodidea suddenly goodidea suddenly struck struck me. me. 一一. 学会使用高级词汇学会使用高级词汇 needn’tpay failure.When she heard he had died, she went pale sorrow.she went pale sorrow.She went studymusic. She went AustriaBooks planturned out planturned out hisdeath, hisdeath, studyingmusic. studying music. When he spoke, he felt more moreexcited. ourschool, twenty–sixclassrooms. You can find my house easily. morehe spoke, moreexcited he feel morehe spoke, moreexcited he feel Our school madeup twentyOur school madeup twenty––sixsix classrooms classrooms Twenty Twenty––six classrooms make up our school. six classrooms make up our school. You You’’ll have trouble/difficultyfinding my ll have trouble/difficultyfinding my house. house. 二二. 学会使用丰富的句式学会使用丰富的句式 在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句型,要灵 活运用各种语法结构,运用得当的句子结构可以 给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉。 When he arrives, please give me e mail.(使用V ing形式) hissurprise, littlegirl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句) hisarriving/ arrival, please give me hisarriving/ arrival, please give me e mail.mail. What surprises him Whatsurprises him littlergirl knows so many things surprises littlergirl knows so many things surprises him. him. surpriseshim littlergirl knows so surpriseshim littlergirl knows so many things manythings weak,I’’ll make llmake effort.使用倒 使用倒 Hedid knowwhat had happened until he had He did knowwhat had happened until he had read newspaper.read newspaper.使用强调句型使用强调句型 am,I’’ll make effort.ll make untilhe had read untilhe had read heknew what had newspaper heknew what had happened. happened. untilhe had read untilhe had read newspaperdid he know what had newspaper did he know what had happened. happened. physicsexam because yourhelp. (使用虚拟语气) Shewalked out manystudents followed her. 用过去分词 wentback school.使用V ing形式 havepassed physicsexam havepassed physicsexam yourhelp. yourhelp. youhad helpedme, havepassed youhad helpedme, havepassed physicsexam. physicsexam. Followed manystudents, she walked out manystudents, she walked out lab.lab. Singing wentback school.Singing wentback won’tbelieve what he says. (使用状语从句) youstudy hard, you makerapid progress. (使用并列句) Hehad soonercome back from Beijing than he sentabroad. 使用倒装句 matterwhat he says, matterwhat he says, won’’tbelieve. believe.Study hard youStudy hard you’’llmake rapid progress. ll make rapid progress. soonerhad he come back soonerhad he come back from Beijing than he sentfrom Beijing than he sentabroad. abroad. 三三. 学会使用恰当的连接词学会使用恰当的连接词 使用恰当连接词,对写出一篇有“英语味”的文章 使用恰当连接词,对写出一篇有“英语味”的文章 很重要,能使整篇文章上下衔接自然、紧凑,使文章 很重要,能使整篇文章上下衔接自然、紧凑,使文章 有一定的流畅性,以使文章层次清晰,行文连贯。下 有一定的流畅性,以使文章层次清晰,行文连贯。下 面表格中是写作中经常用到的一些连接词。 面表格中是写作中经常用到的一些连接词。 逻辑角度 时间顺序 空间顺序 合适的过渡性词汇 first, second, finally/atlast, first, second, finally/atlast, immediately, suddenly immediately,suddenly oneside…on oneside…on otherside, otherside, 逻辑角度对称顺序 转折顺序 因果顺序 条件顺序 让步顺序 合适的过渡性词汇 onething, onething, onehand, onehand, anotherthing anotherthing otherhand otherhand however,while, though, otherwise… however,while, though, otherwise… because, since, because,since, evenif/though, whether, though, evenif/though, whether, whowhat, when, where whowhat, when, where ever 逻辑角度递进顺序 插入语过度 合适的过渡性词汇 what what’’s more, besides, more,besides, matterworse, what matter worse, what’’s worse afraid,you know, afraid,you know, weall know know…all know know…利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思, 能增加文章的文采。 e.g. What kindboy he Howdisappointed he 感叹句强调句 e.g. youngboy oldgranny. dohope you can come possible.e.g. Only waycan you solve policecar. Hardly had stationwhen youngman. e.g. readwhile walking bus.Come necessary.e.g. younglady walking slowly herhand. 倒装句 省略句 with短语 e.g. myopinion, cyber cafes should placewhere we can find much useful information. Let’s come mainteaching building, whichstands schoollibrary. 定语从句 e.g. shoulddo. We should do whoeverneeds help present.各种名词性从句 e.g. Time passed quickly before we knew momentwe reached farm,we got down harvesting.So long wework harder ourlessons, we’ll catch up sooner later.各种状语从句 hissurprise, littlegirl knows so many things.(使用名词 性从句) weak,I’ll make effort.使用倒装句 Hedid knowwhat had happened until he had read physicsexam because yourhelp.用虚拟语气) What surprises him littlegirl knows so many things. Practice Weak am,I’ll make untilhe had read heknew what had happened. couldn’thave passed physicsexam yourhelp. Shewalked out manystudents followed her. 使用过去分词 wentback school.使用 V ing形式 7.I won’t believe what he says. matterwhat状语从句) 8.If you study hard, you makerapid progress. (祈使句 manystudents, she walked out lab.Singing wentback matterwhat he says, won’tbelieve. Study hard you’llmake rapid progress. 9.He had soonercome back from Beijing than he sentabroad. 使用倒装句 10.We all think he greatman. think highly failure.turn out 12. When he spoke, he felt more moreexcited. more…themore soonerhad he come back from Beijing than he sentabroad. We all think highly planturned out morehe spoke, moreexcited he felt. Summary: goodessay goodessay usuallymade up usuallymade up topicparagraph paragraph, some supporting somesupporting paragraphs paragraphs concludingparagraph paragraph.. goodparagraph goodparagraph topicsentence supportingsentences. topic sentence supportingsentences. goodparagraph goodparagraph containsproper linking words. proper linking words. goodparagraph goodparagraph advancedvocabulary variedsentence patterns. vocabulary variedsentence patterns. ASSESSMENT structure essaydivided parts?Does each part have topicsentence? content detailsstated? point切题?Language Does writeruse any linking words? anymistakes? anyadvanced vocabulary(高级词汇)? anygood sentence patterns(句式)? Let’s improve popularsaying goes, Every coin has two sides. 众所周知,一份耕耘一份收获。 gains.有志者事竟成。 Where way.行动胜于任何语言。 Actions speak louder than words. 条条道路通罗马。 All roads lead Rome.最大的敌人就是自己。 Every man hisown worst enemy. 患难之交才是真正的朋友。 friendindeed. 欲速则不达。 Haste makes waste. 机不可失,时不再来 Time tidewait Taketime while time away.孰能生巧。 Practice makes perfect. hardwork. seenfrom worldwe can Onlywhen we enoughknowledge can we stand out achieveyour goals youput your heart truth,many mistakes we made could have been avoided. hightime weshould 对于一个下定决心做一件事的人,世界上没有什么能难倒他。 sayinggoes, nothing onewho sets his mind remindsme myown experience. tookhim more than book.10. frank,whether you like youhave otherchoice. 11. We can wastetime. 12. matterhow difficult English may youshould do your best parentsshould do everything us,which wrong.14. We wehold end.15. certainsense, successfulman neversatisfied whathe has achieved. 16. sayinggoes, nevertoo old learn.17. wehave longway go.18. goodknowledge ouremployment. 19. Hearing unexpectednews, he sosurprised hecouldnt say word.20 最近,学生会就男女生之间在智力上是否存在 很大差异对高三100名学生做了一次调查。 35%被调查的学生认为… Recently, StudentsUnion made surveyabout whether muchdifference between girls IQamong 100 senior students.35% surveyedstudents hold



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