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2020-10-21 03:15:01

▼For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a Hope elementary school organized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 1 80 words.

Our Student Union organized 52 students, including me,to pay a visit to a Hope elementary school last Sunday. That elementary school is called Red Star School, which is in the eastern part of our province, and was founded three years ago funded by the Love&Care Foundation of our university.

The detail of the activity is as follows. In order to raise more funds to help the students in the Red Star school, 52 students, who signed up for this trip voluntarily, called for the students in pur univerisity to donate clothes, bags, and money, 2 weeks before the trip. Then, last Sunday, they donated the stuff and money to the pupils on behalf of our students. I was really touched when I saw the smiles on the kids lovely faces. In that afternoon, our students played several games and sang a couple of songs with the children. The laughters and melodies are still echoing in my ears. In the end, 15 students stayed there to be voluntary teachers for another two weeks.

This activity, to sum up, is of great significance. Not only did it help children in the Red Star School to improve their study and life, s but our students can greatly enhance our awareness of responsibility. I hope that every one in our university. can try our best to help more people in need.



摔了一跤漫画作文 借秋景抒情的作文 微笑作文题目 经历是一种收获的作文 也是一种幸福作文 一件事的作文600字 我爱母校作文600字 打屁股作文女贝网 让座作文500字 人蚁大战作文 我的同学作文外貌描写 桃花作文200字 别了我的童年作文 关于教师节的作文300字 全国学生作文大赛 秋作文100字 我喜欢这样的生活作文600字 生活中发生的事的作文300字 必修一语文作文 记事文作文600字 数学老师的作文 关于打扫卫生的作文 我最喜爱的玩具积木作文 关于文明出行的作文 小学开运动会的作文 三年级的作文书 写景游记作文500字 我梦想的学校英语作文 关于关爱的作文结尾 我就要毕业了作文