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美语情景对话 第701期:Used Computer 二手电脑

2020-10-21 03:40:01

Todd:Hey, Mark, I heard that you mightbe interested inbuying a computer.托德:嘿 ,马克,我听说你想买台电脑。Mark:That s right. Yeah, I minterested inbuying a Mac computer because I ve never used Mac before.马克:对。我想买台苹果Mac,我以前没用过Mac电脑。Todd:Well, that is actually perfect because I have two MacIntosh laptops and I m selling one of them.托德:那太好了,我有两台MacIntosh笔记本电脑,我打算卖掉一台。Mark:You re kidding.马克:你开玩笑的吧。Todd:Yeah.托德:真的。Mark:How much?马克:你打算卖多少钱?Todd:Well, I ll sell it to you for 20,000 Japanese yen, so that s almost 200 dollars. That s a pretty good deal. But there s a problem with it.托德:我可以2万日元卖给你,大概200美元。这其实相当划算了。不过那台电脑有点问题。Mark:What s the problem?马克:什么问题?Todd:The problem is the disc drive is broken, so sometimes if you put a DVD into the disc drive it doesn t work.托德:光驱坏了,有时放入DVD光盘以后,光驱没有反应。Mark:OK.马克:知道了。Todd:Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn t work.托德:有时可以正常读取,有时就没有反应。Mark:Well, that s not too bad because I have another computer that I can watch DVD s on.马克:嗯,那不算太坏,我还有台电脑,我可以在那台电脑上看DVD光盘。Todd:OK.托德:好。Mark:How long have you had it?马克:你用了多长时间了?Todd:I ve had it for about three years, and it works great, like it s great for the internet. It s great for lots of things. I just unfortunately accidentally broke the DVD because I had a problem. I couldn t get a DVD out and I foolishly tried to get it out the wrong way, so but it still works. There is one other problem. It has a power cord and I lost the original power cord for it.托德:我用了大概三年,这台电脑用起来很棒,上网也很便利。很多功能都很棒。只是因为我的失误,很不幸地把光驱弄坏了。因为有张DVD拿不出来,我用了错误的方法去拿,所以不小心弄坏了光驱,不过还是可以使用的。这台电脑还有一个问题,就是电源线,我把原装的电源线弄丢了。Mark:Right, OK, so I need to buy a new power cord.马克:好,就是说我要买个新的电源线。Todd:You need to buy a new one.托德:你得买个新的。Mark:And how much will thatsetmeback?马克:那要花多少钱?Todd:That will probably cost you about 6,000 yen.托德:大概6000日元。Mark:6,000 yen.马克:6000日元。Todd:Yeah, so it s not too bad.托德:对,不是太坏。Mark:So that new Mac that you got over there, how much was that new?马克:你新买的那台Mac电脑多少钱?Todd:If you buy it new, well this is an older edition, but now they re about 100,000 yen. They re actually quite a good deal. That s why I m selling it so cheap because you can buy a new Mac for pretty cheap.托德:这是旧版,新的大概要10万美元。非常划算。所以我才会卖这么便宜,因为可以买到划算的新Mac电脑。Mark:Right. OK. Sounds a good deal. Can I build websites on that one?马克:好。听起来是很划算。我能用那台电脑建网站吗?Todd:Yeah. You can pretty much do anything. It has a lot of capabilities. It s very easy, and if you like the TV show the Sopranos, I llthrow ina bunch of DVD s as well.托德:可以。你可以做很多事情。那台电脑有很多功能。而且操作便捷,如果你喜欢《黑道家族》这部电视剧,我还可以送你几张DVD。Mark:Really.马克:真的吗?Todd:So you can watch themfor free.托德:你可以免费看。Mark:Right, so 20,000 yen and how many DVD s?马克:好,2万日元,你送多少张DVD?Todd:Well, there is a set of four so there s probably, I don t know, there s four DVD s but there s probably 18 episodes of the show the Sopranos.托德:一套是四张,不过我不太清楚,应该是四张DVD,可能有18集《黑道家族》。Mark:Right.马克:好。Todd:It s a good show.托德:那部剧很棒。Mark:OK. That sounds like we may have a deal.马克:听起来我们可以成交了。Todd:Cool.托德:真酷。Mark:Yeah. Let me talk to the girlfriend about it. See if she wants to buy a Mac because it s her money, too. Maybe I need to borrow some money off her.马克:好,我要先跟我女朋友谈谈。看看她是不是希望我买Mac电脑,因为那也是她的钱。我可能要跟她借点钱。Todd:OK.托德:好。Mark:And then we can do the deal.马克:然后我们就可以交易了。Todd:OK, sounds good. Alright, thanks Mark.托德:好,听起来不错。好,谢谢你,马克。





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