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2020-10-21 04:00:01



I think going to school on foot is good for us. First of all, walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it’s good for our health. Next, it’s fun to walk together with friends every day.

We can talk about something interesting and know each other better. What’s more, if we walk, our parents won’t have to drive us to school. There will be fewer cars in the city. More walking and less driving help to make our city cleaner. The streets won’t be as crowded as they are now. I hope more and more students will go to school on foot.



These days, inNanjingcity, taking a taxi to school is getting more and more fashionable among middle school students. Some of them are children of businessmen who are relatively well off. The parents of these children claim they can earn much money easily and the yearly taxi fees spent by children mean nothing to them.

But most parents must work very hard some even have to find a second job to afford their children’s high consumption.


We have many ways to go to school,by subway,by bus,by car,by bike and on foot.I think the best way is on foot,for it has many advantages.

First,it is good for our health.Walking can make our legs strong and build up our bodies.

Second,it is nice to walk to school together with our classmates.We can talk and laugh on the way.

Third,our parents can save some money.It costs nothing when we walk to school.

Fourth,it can make our cities more beautiful.Walking causes no pollution.

It is environmentally friendly.Fellow students,just use our legs.go,go,go!


Do you like walking to school? Well, it is good for our health. Besides, this way is very safe for us. We can walk to school with our classmates. On the way we will have more chances to talk to and help each other.

Our parents don’t have to take and pick us to and from school. We can learn to look after ourselves. Another advantage is that there will be less cars on the road. So the traffic will not be so heavy. What do you think of walking to school?


Different students have different ways to goo to school. So do Tom and Dick.

Tom always goes to school by bus. Because he lives the farthest from school. That takes him about half an hour to get to school. As foe Dick, his house is the closest to school. So he walks to school and that only takes him 10 minutes to get there. He thinks that’s the best way to go to school, but I’m not agree with him. In my eyes the best way to go to school is by bike. It’s more interesting and cheaper than by bus. Though it may be more dangerous than going to school on foot. But it can help us keep fit and healthy.

What do you think about it?









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  1. 2021-02-01 12:49Tata[青海省网友]IP:762800679


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