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2020-10-21 04:15:01

Today, we plan to Xingkai Lake for a picnic, we have about one hour to Xingkai Lake, we will immediately change to go swimming, after two or three hours, we play on the beach, very hot.我们向天上一看,今天烈日炎炎,于是,我们就躲进帐篷里,我从东瞅瞅西瞅瞅,我看见旁边也有人跟我们一样在生火.这时,我妈妈叫我:“开饭了”,我立刻跑过去,沙滩上摆着一块布,布上面摆着丰盛的午餐,有烤鲤鱼;烤鲶鱼;还有带的烤鱼段……我看的垂涎欲滴,我已经忍不了,我妈妈说“开饭了!”我拿起筷子开始狼吞虎咽的大口吃了起来,过了一会酒足饭饱之后我们玩了一会,又开始玩了.过了很长时间,夕阳西下了,我们要回家了.We look to the sky, today the scorching sun, so we have to hide in the tent, I from a look at East West Chou Chou, I saw beside others like us in the fire. At this time, my mother told me: "dinner", I immediately ran past, the beach put a piece of cloth, cloth, on which stood a sumptuous lunch, roast carp; grilled catfish; there with fish section. I see the mouth watering, I cant, my mom said "a dinner!" I picked up the chopsticks to gobble gobbled up, after a while the dinner we played for a while, began to play. Over a long period of time, the sun sets, we have to go home.



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