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英语作文.描述发生在你身边或发生在校园的一次意外事故.经过 结果及你觉得应该采取的

2020-10-21 04:25:01

在我家附近的大道上,有一块低洼的地面,每当大雨过后,人们很难通过.一天,大雨刚停,我和几个调皮的小孩聚集在低洼地周围,观察行人是如何通过的.这时,走来一个老人,他无法通过那块低洼地,又不知该怎么做.我们却站在一边看笑话,没有人想去帮助他.过了一会儿,有两个少先队员走过来,把老大爷搀扶过了水坑.看见这一幕,我们都羞红了脸.There is a piece of low lying land in the street near my home.It is hard to pass after a heavy rain.One day just after a rain,several naughty kids and I gathered around and watched how people passed by.Then there came an old man.He couldnt pass and neither did he know what to do.We just stood there laughing.After a while,two members of the Young Pioneer came over and gave the old man a hand.On seeing that,we all blushed with shame.那天,在放学回家的路上,我看到一群人围在一起.我好奇地走上前一看,不由得大吃了一惊.原来有个老人被汽车撞倒了,司机逃跑了.那么多人都站在一旁,没有一个人想伸出援助之手.这时有个小伙子跑过去,抱起那个人,冲开人群就往医院跑.看到这一幕,其他人会不会羞愧得脸都红了呢?An AccidentOne day I was on my way home while I saw a crowd getting around.I went over curiously.I was very much shocked at the sight.There lied an old man who seemed to be knocked down by a car.The driver had got away.But the strangest thing to me was that so many people were just stood there watching.No one wanted to help.Just at that time,there came a young man.He quickly took the man in his arms and rushed towards the hospital.I was wondering whether those standers by,maybe including me,blushed with shame at this sight.借鉴使用.

英语作文.描述发生在你身边或发生在校园的一次意外事故.经过 结果及你觉得应该采取的应对措施至少两作业帮



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