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2020-10-21 04:30:01

Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?In current days ,with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are appeared.In order to analyze this phenomenon three universities in Beijing jointly distribute an opinion poll about “Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?”.From the result of this survey,we know that 29.6 percent of the people are surveyed think that whether they help the old or not will according to the circumstance.The people who will help the old are the most ,they accounted for 64.8 percent of them.And also have 8.3 percent hold the view that the old shouldn’t be help.Why don’t they help the old falls down on the street?5.3 percent of them are lack of medical knowledge.And 7.2 percent of them think that it’s not related to them.But the major,87.4 percent of them are afraid of getting themselves into trouble.Through this result,we can see clearly that crisis of confidence between people.Sincere and confidence are replaced by dishonest and hypocritical.Cautious and alert are deeply rooted.In my opinion,we all should help each other.Respect and take good care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtues.When we meet the case,we’d better call health care workers for help.Because we lack of medical knowledge may cause more harm to the old.I hope there is less harm and more worm in our life.



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