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英语作文请用英语记述你的一次经历.一天放学后 你和朋友看到一位骑自行车的老人摔了

2020-10-21 04:30:01

One day after school I and my friends to see an old man on the bike and fell down, hurt his leg, bleeding, a lot of people gathered in the past. It is suggested that the elderly carried to the tree, I dont they agree, saying that could not move to check. When the old man not breathing. Then let my friends Li Hua to call the emergency center for the elderly, you do artificial respiration, the other people help stop bleeding. In less than ten minutes old man move. The doctors rushed to the emergency center, told I to do!提问者,赞一个~我废了很多脑细胞!!

英语作文请用英语记述你的一次经历.一天放学后 你和朋友看到一位骑自行车的老人摔了下来 伤了腿 流着血 不少人围了过去.有人建议将老人抬到树下 你不同意 说不能动要检查一下.这时老作业帮



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