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危险的同学英语作文 Dangerous deskmate

2020-10-21 04:30:01

Speaking of deskmates, you must have a lot of stories to tell. Anyway, I think no one will have such a group of dangerous deskmates like me.


Ding yufei is my first deskmate and my strong opponent. We are neck and neck in writing. So we were always fighting in private. The guy is a sweet looking guy with good grades, so he is very popular with his teachers. Although she is quiet, she is extremely difficult to deal with. I every time sneak attack can be her see through, end a lost a lady and broken end: heavy is the teacher punished to the back practice standing skill , light is also to be the teachers spit attack. More let me angry is, this guy after every victory will put on a pair of I have backstage who am I afraid of appearance, really afraid of this backstage deskmate.


Shes like a dragon and Im like a onion. No shade, no sun start fierce, chasing the life of a gust of wind. South fist and north leg, deathless also frighten. Dont annoy xu Lin, her life is in her hands! I was humming the new Chinese kung fu, my eyes half closed, relaxed. Well sung! Suddenly, a terrible laugh appeared in my ears. thank you! After that, my nervous system immediately told me: oh, its xu Lin! When I opened my eyes, I saw xu Lin standing beside me with a terrible smile. Before I could shout out, I was savagely fixed by her. Whats more, she is my current deskmate. Im going to spend the rest of the semester in the company of her fists. My life is over!


This is my dangerous deskmates, they are how strong, you can understand!




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