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英语专四便条写作范文15 慰问发生意外的朋友

2020-10-21 04:55:01

便条题目:慰问发生意外的朋友You, Peter or Mary, have been told that your friend, Jenny was injured in an accident. Write a note to her showing your sympathy and telling her that you are going to see her this weekend.专四便条范文:Saturday, April 16thDear Jenny,I am so sorry to hear that you have been involved in an accident. I hope that the injury is not serious and you are going to be up and about in no time at all. It must be rather boring being cooped rip in hospital, Do you want me to pop around this weekend to lift your spirits? If you need anything, please feel free to let me know.Looking forward to seeing you.Peter更多专四写作精彩句子:1.I am so sorry to learn that you have been injured in a traffic accident知道你在车祸中受伤了我很难过。2.I was so worried until heard that your condition was getting much better.在我听说你的情况大有好转之前我都非常担心你。3.I hope that the treatment is not painful and you will make a speedy recovery.希望治疗不会很痛苦,你能尽快康复。4.l trust it wasnt serious and you will soon be better.我相信情况不严重,你会很快好起来的。5.I am sure that you will recover in a short space of time.我相信你很快就会康复的。6.If it is possible,1 would like to drop by the hospital this weekend and bring your favorite chocolates.如果可能的话,我这周末会去医院看你,给你带你最喜欢吃的巧克力糖。7.If you are still in the hospital over the weekend,I will come and see you.如果你周末还不出院的话,我会来看你。



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